Saturday, July 31, 2010

Three Coins in a Fountain

Gerbia Shadow 

From a window sill at a B&B we stayed at earlier this year. Well, the shadow is more from the window and the post than it is of the gerbia flower!

On a recent trip to Denver, I went out for an early morning walk. I was coming up to a dolphin sculpture and as I approached it, I was wondering how they created the 'waves' effect. And, thinking to myself how cool that effect seemed. I didn't have my camera with me, but I did have the handy cell phone, so out that came to 'document' what I saw.

I was astonished as I got right up to it and discovered that it really was a water fountain.

And most likely, some teenage boys got to it the night before with liquid detergent. Those are all soap bubbles that you see!

Hopefully, the detergent doesn't cause any harm to the water pump equipment. And, I'm sure that the fountain gets hit often during the summer months in this manner. I guess if I were a young boy, I would be tempted to do this kind of thing too. Not that I'm endorsing it! Just a commentary.

Every week, a group of us from around the world post our shadow shots over at Hey Harriet. Entertain your muse and be amused by stopping by to see what others have posted! You can view all of my 2009 Shadow Shot Sunday images on my Flickr account. Click here and then select the "Shadow Shot" set.


Sylvia K said...

OMG! That fountain full of soap bubbles is incredible! I, too, hope the detergent doesn't do any damage! But what great shots for you!! Love your first shadow, too, it could be a painting! Enjoy your weekend, Paula!


Ralph said...

I feel as if we are approaching the Arctic or Antarctic, I almost feel the chill from the 'ice'. An interesting view in arid and hot New Mexico!

d smith kaich jones said...

Yes to what Ralph said. It looks icy cold. How funny to happen upon this. Crazy kids! :)


robin. said...

oh my crazy is that!!! boys will be boys...or whomever it was. made for some interesting shots tho!!!

Anca Pandrea said...

The flower shadow looks great!

Unknown said...

That is funny, it would have to be a boy stunt wouldn't it? How great that you captured it.

Kim, USA said...

Oh my I thought it's another kind of public art or any kind of effect from the fountain.^_^ It's cook to look at but not good to imitate the act ^_^

Yellow Dahlia

Cassie said...

Hehe. I remember seeing a similar scene in SanJuan, Puerto Rico in 1968. Boys. What mischief they get into. Can imagine coming upon the dolphins leaping through the air into those piles of suds!! Your shots are spectacular.

Hey Harriet said...

Haha! The dolphins don't seem to mind at all. I think they quite enjoy the mass of soapy suds! That very same prank is pulled over here with all the water fountains also. I guess there are way worse things kids could be doing so I choose to be amused by it rather than upset :)

Oh and your shadow shot is lovely too!

Spadoman said...

It was a girl that did it! Boys don't use soap!
Cool! I've seen this from time to time. I guess if I'd have thought of it, I'd have done it, (and guess what? I'm a boy)
I've also never seen a flowering plant like that in your shadow shot. That's cool too!


BLOGitse said...

Oh man. That is a lot of foam!
I agree with Ralph - first I thought it was ice!
Happy SSS from Casa!

Unknown said...

Ha that is pretty funny the soap bubbles. I thought it looked like ice chunks too at first. very cool fotos

A Wild Thing said...

Love the flower, but it's totally out-staged by the fountain...what a hoot, boyz will be boyz!!!

Serendipity said...

Wow, it looks very abstract!


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