Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Once in a Blue Moon

ABC Wednesday is a word meme with participants from around the world. This fabulous meme was created and hosted by Mrs. Denise Nesbitt who hails from Great Britain. Over time, others have joined in to help host this wonderful and informative meme. We are now in our seventh round-some of the participants have been with this from the very first round; others have joined in along the way. Each week we are taken across the globe to see the varied and exciting contributions people have taken the time to discover and capture. We start with the letter, "A" and each week we post something in regards to the next letter of the alphabet. This week's letter is, "B".

BLUE WILLOW (aka Willow Pattern)

I have a set of these dishes and this is what my son has grown up eating his meals on in our household. My older brother, Robert had sent me a set for Christmas about 14 years ago. I love using them. The story behind the Blue Willow is an interesting one. Actually, there are several different stories associated with this pattern. I prefer the romantic one.

It's the one about the daughter of a wealthy Mandarin who falls in love with her father's accounting assistant. This is taboo love since he is not of the 'right' social status. They stole off with the palace jewels to escape to an awaiting boat (see there they are crossing the bridge). The father is chasing after them with a whip in hand. They do escape and live in refuge on an island. When the father learns of their whereabouts, he sends his soldiers after them and has them killed.

The gods took mercy on this outcome and transformed them into doves to live happily ever after. I think.

THE END (of story)

You can read about the other versions and the longer version of this story over at Wikipedia.


It's easy to see why this was named "Bottle Brush". It looks like you could pick that flower and start scrubbing out all of your dirty bottles! You'll find most of the varieties of this tree in Australia. The more scientific name is "Callistemon". Hey- I could 'recycle' this for the letter "C"! But, I won't.


Once in a blue moon. How many times have you heard that saying? 2009 ended with a Blue Moon and a friend of mine had an 'out with the old' party. We were asked to bring with us things that we wanted to let go of and that we would burn them in a small bonfire in the backyard. I forgot my stuff (left it at home). But, one friend brought with him 30 years worth of journals. I had just purchased my Flip video camera and needed to practice using it, so I decided to film the event. It's a short video-less than 5 minutes. The dialogue is kind of entertaining (well, to me it is).
No names are being used here to protect the participants!
Back to the Blue Moon thing. There are a few definitions out there as to what it is. I think these days, it is defined when a full moon occurs twice in the same month. Hence, 'once in a blue moon'.


photowannabe said...

Its always a pleasure to visit your post.
The Blue Willow reminds me of my Mother in Law. She had a few pieces of very old Willow, which the family has split among the kids.
Its nice that you are actually using it.

Carolyn Ford said...

The china is so beautiful and delicate...I have always loved these blue and white patterns. Bottle Brush...beautiful.

Sylvia K said...

Oh, you always have something fun and different for the day, Paula, and today's no exception! Love the Blue Willow! Hope your week is off to a good start! Enjoy!


Leslie: said...

I've never heard that story about the Blue Willow china and my grandmother had the set. Great interesting post, as usual. :)

Roger Owen Green said...

Those plates remind me of my grandmother. Not the same design, but surely the same color scheme.
BOFFO choices, as always.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Reader Wil said...

What a beautiful post, Paula! I have the same blue plates, but didn't know the story about them. Now they mean even more to me! Thanks for telling!

Roger Owen Green said...

I LOVE the video. wee burn stuff at our MidWinter's party the 1st weekend in February.

But I disagree w your friends; you DO forget. Sometimes the forgetting is good, asnd sometimes not. I still have old journals that inform about what seems like another life ago.

Bettey said...

The details you captured from the dishes is great - they are so beautiful!

Have a good rest of the week!

Hood Photo Blog

Amy said...

Paula, I so enjoyed the video! Your laugh is contagious - btw, my "b" post includes Burning Man (not burning nightgown!).

Gigi Ann said...

I liked your choice of the B's today. I never new the story behind the Blue Willow, very nice post today.

Annelie said...

The china is so beautiful, and this is a interesting story! Annelie E, ABC Wednesday team

jay said...

Fascinating! I knew there were stories about blue willow pattern, but I don't think I've heard one quite so good as that before now!

And the thing about the blue moon is nice, too. I like the idea of shucking off the old by throwing it on the fire!

Mara said...

That china looks great. And the story is lovely, including even more b's!

LisaF said...

The story behind the plate pattern is lovely. I can see why you like it. Really like your idea about shedding the old and the symbolism about burning it in the fire.

Joy said...

The blue willow must make a meal complete. I love the pattern.
The book burning reminded me of the artist Michael Landy who destroyed all his possessions, and I seem to remember Dirk Bogard destroyed his photographs and journals in a bonfire. Don't think I could do either.

Tumblewords: said...

I remember seeing that pattern off and on through my lifetime and always sensing something magical about it! The bottle brush is gorgeous and I loved the blue moon vid - could almost smell the burning nightgown! :) Nice B post.

Kim, USA said...

I have blue willow dishes and I didn't know there is a story behind it. Now every time I look at it I know what's the meaning of all those artwork depicted on the plate. Thanks for the info and thanks for the visit!

ABC Wednesdsay~B

Carol said...

That china pattern is classic! Nice to know the story behind it. I have participated in the "out with old" burning. But I couldn't burn my journals.

jabblog said...

Nice post! I like the idea of an 'out with the old' bonfire. What fun!

Spadoman said...

I love this post. Great job on the home video. I just told the Grandkids yesterday that we haven't had a fire in a while. This is motivation, we'll burn tonight, and have smores. Just good stuff.
I taught fur trade history years ago. The traders brought many patterns of porcelin china over as trade goods, many were from China. There were some similar to the Blue Willow pattern. Funny, we use colorful Southwestern Fiesta dinnerware here up in the North country, and you use the warmer home comfort of Blue Willow down South. Are we mixed up?
The bottle brush plant. Never knew it existed! How cool is that. I use a baby bottle bruch to clean the small crevaces and between the spokes on my motorcycle.


sandy said...

hahah listened to the thing about the journal and the guy's father's grave and....very entertaining. Nice B post.

ChrisJ said...

I remember the Blue willow Pattern plates. My Grandmother had one and someone must have told me the story, because I remember that too. Having a story behind them makes some things special.

d smith kaich jones said...

out with the old indeed. i just recently "accidentally" let 2 plants die - both happened to be plants given to us at my father's funeral almost 14 years ago. a letting go, perhaps? at last, perhaps?

love this.


moongipsies@msn.com said...

I remember reading his blog about burning his journals. What a great release!


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