Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Capping Off with Capsicum

Chili Ristra 

ABC Wednesday is a word meme with participants from around the world. This fabulous meme was created and hosted by Mrs. Denise Nesbitt who hails from Great Britain. Over time, others have joined in to help host this wonderful and informative meme. We are now in our seventh round-some of the participants have been with this from the very first round; others have joined in along the way. Each week we are taken across the globe to see the varied and exciting contributions people have taken the time to discover and capture. We start with the letter, "A" and each week we post something in regards to the next letter of the alphabet. This week's letter is, "C".

A common sight here in NM, these chili ristras. Especially in the fall after they are all harvested. And, let's not forget all the capsicum that comes in chili peppers. A lot of medicinal value in capsicum. I hope you meander off and read up on it. Got a cold and congested? Go out and find the hottest salsa you can get your hands on and consume as much as possible. All that lovely capsicum will thin your mucous and clear your congestion!


I'm sure I did 'cross' the on the last round, but I may have to continue with them for a while seeing as they are iconic to the architecture here in NM.


This is an actual canceled check from artist, Georgia O'Keefe. It is taped to the back of the cash register (which would be facing out to you as you pay for your goods) at the art supply store in Santa Fe called, Artisans. Pretty cool, huh?

When this is posted, I will be visiting my sister in Monticello, FL where the internet connectivity is not so good. I hope you forgive me if I am not able to stop by and leave a comment for you (although I will try to stop by).


Gigi Ann said...

Nice choices for your "C" post today. I hope you are having a wonderful visit with your sister.

Leslie: said...

Great words for today - that cancelled cheque is special but I hope it doesn't ever get stolen!

Sylvia K said...

Great C words as always, Paula! Have a wonderful visit with your sister!


Vinay Leo R. said...

really lovely choices.. the cancelled cheque is really a lovely Capture :)

Amy said...

Paula, I loved all your offerings today - especially the cross - the two blues of the roof and sky so lovely. Georgia O'Keefe's cancelled check - good one!!!

Have a great visit with your family!

Reader Wil said...

Wonderful C words! I love capsicum!
I hope that you'll have a great time with your sister, in Monticello!

Roger Owen Green said...

Great picks, but I esp love the O'Keefe check.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

LisaF said...

I'm surprised the O'Keefe check wasn't framed! You could probably do an entire round of ABC on just crosses.

MorningAJ said...

Cool Cs.

Hildred said...

Capsicum is new to me but it sounds like great advice. Great C choices - please do continue with the crosses. Lovely against the blue sky.

photowannabe said...

Have a wonderful time with your sister Paula.
chiles do cure many things. Great post.
Fascinating cancelled check.

Linda said...

Wonderful selection. We had bought the hanging chilies one year and they hung from a window for years. Love the cancelled check. I recall that art store and their great selection of materials.

Joy said...

Like chilli dishes, they only come as individuals here not like the nice bunch in your photo. I suppose the cheque is more noticed on the till but I would have it framed and on a wall, wonder what she was painting at the time.
Enjoy your visit.

Cheryl said...

Wow! That cancelled check is a piece of history I'd be thrilled to own.

Wanda said...

Oh this was fun....the canceled check...now that was clever..

Ruth said...

Beautiful, those chili ristras - so colourful!

Tumblewords: said...

I love the pepper strings! The cancelled check is awesome! Have a terrific visit...

Gayle said...

I'll bet that Georgia O'Keefe check is worth more than the $4.95 she paid for art supplies! Enjoy your time away.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

In Borneo, we eat a lot of chillis including these dried ones. But we are too lazy to string them up like yours.

Verns said...

Hi I Love the name of your blog it's so classic and classy, I love even more that chili.. nice choice ... mine is up too at Petty Things In Life

Kim, USA said...

Love your choices for this week theme. Great shots! Happy Wednesday!

ABC Wednesday

Unknown said...

Interesting C-words, that you have chosen. They say alot about who you are, where you live (NM) what grows there and who has lived there. The canceled check tells us that you are artistic or interested in art history; and Georgia O'Keefe, I think lived in your area, so she is both world famous and local.
Great post!
Best wishes,
Anna's Cats

Spadoman said...

Oh yes, ristras! I hope I get to the Cjile Festival over Labor Day weekend!
I'll see the crosses too.
I never was a big Georgia O'Keefe fan, then again, I don't know scrap about good art. I know she is from New Mexico, or spent her time there, a huge connection. I guess I'd hold a check from someone that famous too if I was a shop owner.
Very entertaining. Thank you very much.


Jay said...

Wow, taped to the back of the cash register? I'd have framed that cheque!!


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