Saturday, August 07, 2010

The Low Down on Lo Do and Leaving on a Jetplane


I didn't know what else to call 'him! It seemed befitting, though. This was taken on my cell phone in the gift shop at the Denver Art Museum. I am getting to be quite the 'stealth' at this 'guerrilla photography'!


'Lo Do': Lower Downtown, Denver. Lovely Denver skyline in the background. Shadow cast onto construction mound of dirt by a large 'mast' (public art).


On Little Raven St. in 'Lo Do'. A spontaneous event, the stopping by at Zengos to have some appetizers and dessert. It was all so lovely! You can experience more about the food we ate at Zengos here.

Every week, a group of us from around the world post our shadow shots over at Hey Harriet. Entertain your muse and be amused by stopping by to see what others have posted! You can view all of my 2009 Shadow Shot Sunday images on my Flickr account. Click here and then select the "Shadow Shot" set.

Leaving on a Jet Plane...

I took this shot today (Friday, Aug. 6th) as the plane that I was on landed at Albuquerque Sunport. I had just returned from spending the past week in FL with my sister, Carol. We didn't get to grow up in the same household together and you can read more about that here.
Since it was safe to turn on our cell phones, I took this shot. My cell phone is coming in very handy these days! Anyway, you'll be seeing more shadow shots from the Florida trip in a future post. It involves an art exhibit and explaining to the museum staff member that I was only interested in taking photos of the shadows and not really the artwork!


robin. said...

...i can take pics with my cell phone but don't have a way to get them off your shadows this week...i'm going back to read about your adventures with your sister.

happy sss...have a great week ahead.

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

I usually email the photos to myself. My cell phone recharger also has a US cable, so sometimes I transfer the images that way. But, most often, I email them to me.

BLOGitse said...

I like the design of the cutlery!
Tasty SSS from Casa! :)

Ralph said...

You cannot ignore shadows in your presence, no matter the venue. The skeleton offers whimsical shadows. The mound of dirt is ignored as a canvas for any artist, but shadows occur and we must take notice. Thus dirt as art can be a metaphor...

Of course, the winged shadow is wonderful, too. I have not used my phone as a tool of art, but I may have to relent! All wonderful shadows...

Cassie said...

Your ShadowShots always make me feel like such an amateur(which I AM!). All are super! Love the milehigh shadows. Have a good weekend.

MyMaracas said...

Ezekiel makes a great shadow subject. Nice set - kudos on your success in stealth mode.

Anca Pandrea said...

The skeleton shadow looks really interesting, though a bit creepy. The void is so much more present...
Great shots!

Jonny Hamachi said...

Love the Wing

Unknown said...

Love your shadows. I love that you are able to capture these on your phone.

Hey Harriet said...

Lovely! I especially like the knife and fork photo. I can't wait to hear the story of you explaining to art museum staff about shooting shadows and not the art objects! Hehe...

Kim, USA said...

Great shadow shots!


Unknown said...

Great photo's I really like the one of the skeleton

A Wild Thing said...

Not only do you make me long for the days I lived in Denver back in the 70's, when hardly any skyscrapers existed, but now I long to visit Florida again...hope you had a great shadows!

d smith kaich jones said...

LOL! I love Ezekiel - he looks like he's dancing with himself!

:) Debi

EG CameraGirl said...

I especially like that first shadow. It made me smile. :)

Lisa's RetroStyle said...

Cool skeleton and I love that plate shot...great color!

The Summer Kitchen Girls said...

What a great shot Paula! LOVE that skeleton - we see him tap dancing away the night - and we love his name - perfect....them bones, them bones, them dry bones!! Looks like you had a great time - now we'll sing along with you....."don't know when I'll be back again" (actually...we'll see you next Sunday!!)


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