Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Vintage Visayan

ABC Wednesday is a word meme with participants from around the world. This fabulous meme was created and hosted by Mrs. Denise Nesbitt who hails from Great Britain. We are now in our sixth round-some of the participants have been with this from the very first round; others have joined in along the way. Each week we are taken across the globe to see the varied and exciting contributions people have taken the time to discover and capture. We start with the letter, "A" and each week we post something in regards to the next letter of the alphabet. This week's letter is, "V".


(Tatay and Grandma)

My father's parents hailed from the island of Cebu in the Philippines and are Visayan.

From Wikipedia (as they describe it best):

"The Visayas is one of the three principal geographical divisions of the Philippines, along with Mindanao and Luzon. It consists of several islands, primarily surrounding the Visayan Sea. Its population are referred to as the Visayans.
The major islands of the Visayas are Panay, Negros, Cebu, Bohol, Leyte, and Samar. The region may also include the islands of Romblon and Masbate, whose population identify as Visayan."

So, now you know a part of my ancestral history!

Follow up to the VANS SNEAKER CONTEST...

In case you were wondering what happened to that plea I made for everyone to Vote for Rio Rancho High School Vans Sneaker Contest...

Well, they not only won being the top four finalists, but the WON the entire event!! And, they had quite the trip to California and quite the red carpet treatment from Vans. Thanks to everyone who  helped to get them there by voting for them and passing the word along!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Ha! Not the kind of vein you would think of, I bet!

An excerpt from Wikipedia:

"In geology, a vein is a distinct sheetlike body of crystallized minerals within a rock. Veins form when mineral constituents carried by an aqueous solution within the rock mass are deposited through precipitation. The hydraulic flow involved is usually due to hydrothermal circulation."

Now, there's a good word, "hydrothermal circulation"! Stash that one away for Round 7 of ABC Weds!   ; 0


Take your vitamins. Eat your vegetables...I am not fond of having to take vitamins, but it seems that I need them. At least I'm not on a bunch of perscriptives! Always a 'bright' side, isn't there?


Sylvia K said...

Great series of Vs for the day! But then you always have a great series! Hope your week is going well! Enjoy!


Leslie: said...

As usual, love your post! Lots of great V words and congrats on the Vans. :D

Kim, USA said...

Hmmm I didn't know you and I have something in common ^_^ Because I am a Visayan from the southern part of the Philippines. Nice to meet you here ^_^
Just like you I am not a fun of vitamins but I see to it that I drink lots of water and eat fruits and vegetables ^_^

ABC Wednesday~V

photowannabe said...

Thanks for the geographical information and finding out a bit more about you. I hadn't heard that name before. That's what I love about our ABC theme. There is so much to learn.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for teaching me something I did not know before. Please have a great Wednesday.

daily athens

Tumblewords: said...

Handsome ancestors! Very fine sneakers and surely my favorite kind of vein. Vitamins. Yay! Excellent V's!

Changnoi said...

My Dad is Mancunian and mum is Isan.

Stan Ski said...

Imeet a lot of Philippinos/Philippinas here in Thailand.

jay said...

A nicely varied bunch of Vs there! Well done!

I've never heard the word Visayan, but you live and learn! I didn't even know there was a sea by that name. And there you are with Visayan grandparents!

On behalf of the team, thanks for taking part in ABC Wednesday (and educating me) this week! :)

Gayle said...

V for Visayan... Have you ever traced your ancestry and done a family tree? Lots of fun, but time consuming. Thanks for stopping by my blog last week.

Rinkly Rimes said...

A very varied selection of Vs!

MaR said...

Most interesting take on V - learned something new today, thanks :)
Lovely picture of your parents, too.
v is for vermilion...

jingle said...

creative and fun v post...

Roger Owen Green said...

I think Americans arrogantly think that they are the only ones who have differnt "tribes"; VERY intersting.
ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of the Visayan people or the Visayan sea, so yet again I've learned something coming around here. Thank you! :)

Bettey said...

What a great variety of V's! Congrats on the Vans win ;)

Hood Photo Blog

mrsnesbitt said...

Thanks so much for your contribution - my favourite is the vintage photograph, mind you nowadays if something is vintage it is more expensive dont you thinK lol!

I try to visit as many contributors as possible each week but sometimes I just dont manage it, but we have a great ABC team and between us we see that everybody gets a comment. We are coming to the end of the current round and plans are in store for the next round, I do hope you will be part of the fun! If you would like to be part of the team just drop me an e-mail :-

denisebydesigns at googlemail dot com

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

What a great photo! And it is fun to read and get to know more about you :o)
My mom's family are from Sorsogon, Bicol...

Blessings & Aloha!
(here's another interesting connection...I lived in New Mexico from 1979...graduated from Alamogordo High School in 1981...and lived there as a newlywed for a couple of years. :o) Do you live in NM now?


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