Saturday, June 19, 2010

Inside Out Shadows


Tent Rocks, New Mexico. Other wise known as Kasha-Katuwe Tent Rocks National Monument. It's about an hour's drive from our house to the Tent Rocks. This falls into my category of "New Mexico Treasures". A lot of spectacular formations in the Central New Mexico area can be attributed to what was probably a cataclysmic eruption about 6 or 7 million years ago. HUGE. One that caused tons of ash to go up in the air and blanked a wide swath of land. Over time, rain and erosion caused wonderful formations. Which is what the Tent Rocks are. I'm think I'm due for another photo trip there as I don't think I've been there since I acquired my really nice camera (Nikon D200) back in 2007. So, this image that you see here is 'old'. And 'altered' a bit. Just for the sake of visual interest. Anyway, a large pine tree (Ponderosa?) cast a beautiful shadow on the canyon walls. And, this was long before I knew of blogs or the existence of Shadow Shot Sunday! A testimony of my shadow addiction, for sure.

Another Cell Phone Capture!

Silly, silly me. Again. Finding myself in a furniture store on a serious shopping mission for a new couch (yay!). Waiting for the sales person, I amuse myself by continuing to browse and then, there it is.

A really cool shadow.

No camera with me. What to do. What to do. Be cool. Causually reach into my purse and look like I need to text someone while waiting but I am really pulling up the camera feature in the cell phone.

Anyone looking?


Coast is clear, and I get the shot!

I suppose these days, this kind of shopping behavior is not so odd.

Odd, isn't it? That it isn't odd.

Every week, a group of us from around the world post our shadow shots over at Hey Harriet. Entertain your muse and be amused by stopping by to see what others have posted! You can view all of my 2009 Shadow Shot Sunday images on my Flickr account. Click here and then select the "Shadow Shot" set.


Anonymous said...

The first photo is fabulous, and I laughed at your tale of capturing the second one .... I frequently embarass my husband by taking photos of our meals in restaurants!!

Sylvia K said...

Love the first photo, too, it is fabulous indeed! And I was also laughing at your story of getting the second one! We do get into this photography stuff, don't we? I love it! Fun post for the day! Hope your weekend is off to a great start!


Anonymous said...

Some stores prohibit picture taking -- e.g., Kahala Mall and Whole Foods Market!!! I know, I tried and was admonished by a security guard as well as a store clerk. Why? Don't know.

Rosebud Collection said...

Tent interesting. The tree gave a beautiful shadow.
Isn't it amazing what we do to get a shadow shot? Great capture with the phone..Happy SSS.

Cassie said...

Golly Paula your cell does a better job than most point and shoots!! Nice job.

Joanne Olivieri said...

These are really creative shots and great angles. Well done

Unknown said...

I love both photos, but your second one is my favourite.

Lisa's RetroStyle said...

Very cool! Love the tent rock shot!!

Kim, USA said...

Your cellphone take picture really good. Great shots! Happy Sunday!

Yellow Hollyhock

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

She’s got a sharp eye—
the cell-phone photographer
a shadow doth spy!

Bug, No Rug

EG CameraGirl said...

Nevr leave home without your camera/;)

I sometimes feel shy about photographing certain subject...but usually I I figure I'm daring to do something others would like to feel brave enough to do too. Hahaha!

Unknown said...

Great shadow from Tent Rock--I've been there & just love the formations! Your cell phone photo is fantastic--we'll do almost anything for a good shot, won't we?

jabblog said...

Tent Rocks looks and sounds a fascinating place. I liked the story behind your second shot - photography is addictive ;-)

Hey Harriet said...

Oooh I LOVE that first photo! Wow! And your cell phone shadow shot is cool too! Handy things are those cell phones :)

Spadoman said...

Beautiful rock formation shadows! I just returned from a long road trip and I wish I would have dipped South into my favorite State, New Mexico. Ever been to City of Rocks State Park Southeast of Silver City? Cool formations there.
Using the cell phone to capture shadow shots to share with us is a great idea. Makes me snicker that you were afraid of being caught! :-)
Glad to be home.


A Wild Thing said...

Boy is that the truth, taking pictures everywhere has become a fave pastime for a lot of us, history being recorded...I love it, count me in!

Catherine said...

two very cool shadow shots!!


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