Tuesday, December 29, 2009

"X" Marks the Spot (again)

ABC Wednesday is a word meme with participants from around the world. Our Host, Mrs. Nesbitt hails from Great Britain. Says Mrs. Nesbitt: "Some have been with us from the very first round, others have joined in along the way! What fun! Each week we are taken across the globe to see the varied and exciting contributions people have taken the time to discover and capture! ABC Wednesday is now entering a 3rd year of fun! I'll raise a glass to you all!". We started with the letter, "A" and each week we post something in regards to the next letter of the alphabet. This week's letter is, "X".

Here's what I know about the letter, "X". It doesn't really like being first. This is no exaggeration. I don't exactly understand why it doesn't like to be first, but it seems that it prefers to be second. To further exemplify, it would seem to have a letter preference to follow. It is quite exclusive, if you know what I mean. Rather than exhaust this topic of letter placement, I hope you will excuse me! Me and this rather shy letter, "X".

And, we all know that "X" marks the spot!


A plant that can grow in dry places, such as this cactus.


An abbreviation for Christianity.


I got this image of xenolith from this site here.


It's the 'transportation' system for vascular plants-it is how water and nutrients are transported throughout the plant.

I hope you check out the You Tube video I posted with this. It does have to do with the letter, "X"!

I'll see you here at ABC Wednesday next year!


Roger Owen Green said...

Ah, you're interesting as always. But X doesn't want to be first? Did you ask X this? ;-)

Leslie: said...

Well, I'm like the X, I guess, in that I'm second here. Lots of great X words today! :D

Sylvia K said...

Great shots as always, Paula, and certainly great ones for the X day! Wishing you a very Happy New Year!


Reader Wil said...

Very great X words you've found. The video is hilarious! Thanks! Have a great week!

photowannabe said...

Terrific post for words I knew nothing about. Clever and its always fun to visit and learn.
Wishing you a very happy and healthy New Year Paula.

Tania said...

Meny good X-word here and great shot!:-)
Wish you a Happy New Year!

photowannabe said...

I just watched the video...what a riot. The perfect " X ".

Amy said...

Paula, We chose the exactly the same x! Anyone reading these comments that didn't watch the video - do it! Best entertainment I've had all day, so thanks Paula!

Never heard of xenolith before, but I've seen it - so thank you for expanding my vocabulary as well. And for your comment. Happy New Year!!!

Stan Ski said...

Clever post - great pictures.

Kim, USA said...

Nice shot with all those X's ^_^

ABC Wednesday:Xerophyte

Joy said...

I knew you would not fail to present lots of interesting X words and photos. Snap on the title but I cheated rather a lot; I must have known that x does not like to come first in english.

Q said...

X is a shy one that is for sure.
I think it is foxy that way. Fun X post. Thanks.
Have a very Happy New year.

Rose said...

Lol, loved the video:) You came up with some great words for the letter X, which surely has to be the hardest one in the alphabet.
Happy New Year to you!

Hildred said...

Wonderful choices for X and I'm still smiling and shaking my head over the X Video!!!

Rune Eide said...

You must have robbed the dictionary, but the video won :-)

Happy New Year!

Mara said...

The things people make videos about! It was funny (in a sad sort of way) though. I agree with you, it's hard to find a good X, but I think you have done quite okay!

Happy 2010 from the Netherlands

Ingrid said...

Wow ! you did your homework ! I bed you stuck your nose in all dictionaries to find so many words with an X ! lol !

I plan a suicide like in your video !

Jay said...

Ooooh, excellent post as always! I have a xerophyte of my own in the conservatory and didn't even think of that! Oh well. I'm doing archives this round anyway! ;)

I like the xenolith, too!

Tumblewords: said...

You always have such an array of words and photos. What fun it is to visit here. And to learn. Great post, as usual!

Bradley Hsi said...

Again, you have a marvelous collection of "X", thanks for sharing. Happy New Year.

&rew said...

Oh wow, so X-ceptionally cool!!! Happy New Year, Paula!!


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