Yesterday was the 11th Annual San Ramon Tea for the UNM Midwifery Class of 2009 hosted by the lovely and talented, Julie Gorwoda. Julie and I have been friends since I moved here to NM about 13 years ago. When she started hosting this tea (she is the Director and faculty for the Midwifery Program at UNM), I was always a bit envious that it wasn't anything that I could get invited to since it was limited to those who are in the program. It's hard to say what is the highlight of the tea; the outfits that people arrive in as it is alwys a themed event. Or, the food which is always outrageously good (Julie's daughter Alexa and friend Jen and Joanna have come to take over this portion of it and execute it like a professional catering company). Or, perhaps it is the auction that follows. Many items are donated for this auction and the money goes to the program for programs extras, such as a Midwifery Colloquim and other miscellaneous things.
It's called San Ramon since he is as close as one can get as a patron saint for mid-wives, pregnant women and the unborn. His feast day is Aug. 31 (or 30 depending on your source of info), so it is fitting to have this event as close as possible to the feast day and to the start of the semester.
Somewhere along the line a few years back, Julie extended the invitation to me and asked me to be 'mother' at the tea. 'Mother' at a tea means that you are the one who pours the tea. It is the highest honor that one can be bestowed with. I enjoy the role as I get to hang out with a group of incredibly strong, beautiful women who have a unique sisterhood. It does feel a little odd being there, as I am not a midwife. This group of women always amazes me.
So, the lovely lady in the sleezy pink outfit is the said Julie Gorwoda (this year's theme was "tart" which is a repeat theme from last year as it was so popular). The bird bath sculpture is one of the auction items; perhaps it was the hottest auction item and is was made by the lovely lady in purple (with the purple boa), Melanie Yanke. I think Julie said that she just completed the program there at UNM.
It's a lot of fun. I love hanging out with this group even if I do feel a little out of place!
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