Just about every other year I make the trek home to see my family. When I lived on the West Coast, it was often every year.
In printmaking, there's a term called 'registration' where one overlays an image over an existing one (for avrious reasons; sometimes the images are multiple). When the marks you make to reigister where you want the next image is isn't accurate, your images are off from one another; like being 'off-center'. That's how the inside of my head is at times when I go home. I don't know if I can really articulate this feeling, but other people who move great distances to call another place home can probably relate to this experience.
This weekend I'm on Oahu with my brother and his family. Tomorrow my sister and I and our children head back to her home on the Big Island (Hilo) for a week. From there, I migrate to Molokai t ovisit my family there. A week on the Big Island is a new adventure for me, so I am looking forward to it. The most amzing thing is, I'm only taking ONE camera with me. I normally haul several cameras with me for different functions. This time, I am trying to see if I can live with just one camera. After all, that Nikon D200 I just got is a pretty damn good peice of equipment! So, here I go, cold turkey!
1 comment:
Are you kidding me, blogging on vaca? Go, have fun, take pictures, eat small bites of fun stuff and enjoy that family! Miss ya!
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