OMG...last day here on the Big Island and tomorrow morning I say goodbye to my sister and her family and Mark heads back to New mexico while John, Jason and I head off to Moloka'i.
I'm not so sure
how the week went by so quickly, but it did. Went to several beaches, saw honus swimming (red leather back sea turtles), saw the rainforest, hiked through Kileaua Iki and Kileaua (I might not be spelling this correctly!) craters on Friday. We didn't get to see lavas flows as there are none flowing at this time. They actually have a "lava hot line" that you can call to get the lastest on lava activity. The beach we went to on July 4th was awesome; right above Kailua Kona area called Hapuna State Beach Park. Huge, white, sandy beach with nice wave action and the water is warm. We even saw a very young honu there right in front of us!
I would say that if you yeally wanted to give exploring the Big Island a worthy try, a good two weeks are needed.
So, the trip is at the halfway mark. And, sadly, we must bid a loving Aloha Oe.
ready for another trip when you get home? maggie taylor is going to be up in santa fe on saturday-wanna go?!
Can't wait to see the pictures! Loved my postcard. See you soon!
You are greatly missed! I hope you are taking "Tea Time" for yourself and enjoying the peace that comes only from paradise :)
ohhhh you saw some honu's and swimming no less??!!! Ohhh I'm sooo jealous! I LOVE turtles, they're my third fav animal after elephants and manatees. *lol*
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