Saturday, July 15, 2017

As Above...

As above. So below.

Some spectacular shots of the slopes on the south to southeast side of the island of Molokai. And, a token shadow shot of the clouds over the ocean as I flew back from Maui to Molokai last weekend. Deeply carved gullies that go from the mountain tops down to the ocean make for some incredible shadows. When driving by all of this from the ground and looking up, you really do not have a sense of the magnitude of these gullies until you see it from the air. I never tire of the beauty of this island and find it to be a constant discovery of things I did not notice before.

Join us as a group of us (yes-there are many of us!) from around the world post our shadow shots over at Shadow Shot Sunday 2. Entertain your muse and be amused by stopping by to see what others have posted!


Jim said...

Amazing aerial views.

Ralph said...

The topography of gullies is amazing. Each gully can be 1 foot or 10 feet deep - we cannot fathom what the depth might be, but are in awe as the lava dominated mount seems to be in motion. The views from the air are great!


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