Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Jesse Jumps for Jazzy Jasmine Juleps

ABC Wednesday is a word meme with participants from around the world. This fabulous meme was created and hosted by Mrs. Denise Nesbitt who hails from Great Britain. Over time, others have joined in to help host this wonderful and informative meme. We are now in our seventh round-some of the participants have been with this from the very first round; others have joined in along the way. Each week we are taken across the globe to see the varied and exciting contributions people have taken the time to discover and capture. We start with the letter, "A" and each week we post something in regards to the next letter of the alphabet. This week's letter is, "J".

Such as, Jefferson Art Gallery located in Jefferson County, Monticello, Florida.

That's the art gallery that my sister, Carol exhibits her work in. What a lovely gallery it is too. I am a bit envious that they have a grand old building like this for a gallery. Here in Rio Rancho, our city is about to celebrate it's 30 years of existence in January! We have no old anything to create a cool gallery in.

Jesse Reno

Jesse Reno was here in the area in March of 2009 to teach a workshop. I was one of the lucky participants. I love his work. It is rich with information, along with being somewhat enigmatic. At least, to me anyway. I learned a lot about how he approaches his work and learned his technique. And no, my work will not be looking like his! His process does involve continually painting and drawing over parts of the painting pushing and pulling along the way, letting it be what it wants to be. Check out his blog and website. He also has some videos on his website and he also creates his own music. You can check out his images here too. A very, very talented artist.

Jaw Bone

Me thinks a horse jaw bone to be exact. Either that or a cow. It was on someone's farm up in Mora Valley near Angel Fire. It is all ranch land with lots of cattle and horses. The owners have lived there a long time, so as he goes out to survey the property, I'm sure he stumbles upon these bones often.

Jazzy Jasmine Julep

 I'm certain you will all get a kick out of this. I went from Jujubes to Jazzy Jasmine Julep. I had an image of Jujubes from the internet, but it was a small image file. I don't have the candy sitting around. So I ponder over other consumable 'j" words.  Hmmm....julep. Well, we all refer to them as mint juleps. I looked up julep and it is a  "drink consisting of sweet syrup, flavoring, and water" along with the alchohol which is known to be Bourbon. Dilemma. All the images of juleps on line seemed way too copywrited (and no time to ask for permission). So, I decided to create my own concoction for the sake of this meme! I made a concentrated brew of Jasmine tea, cooled it down, sweetened it, added the ice, mint and since I'm not a Bourbon fan, I added rum. I must say, it is a tasty concoction! And I get to call it a Jazzy Jasmine Julep! J! J! J!

I know...kinda scary. But, it is tasty!


Leslie: said...

The kids at my old school would love that jaw bone - I had one from a shark but they weren't to touch it as the teeth were so sharp! Lots of great J's today with lots of interesting stories around them all. Congrats on managing to make the julep - I must say I tried one once and didn't care for it. Have a great week!

Sylvia K said...

Oh, a Jamming good post for the J Day! Love all your interesting, fun J words! And I'll take a Julep!! Have a great week, Paula!


photowannabe said...

Who knows you may be on to something in the drink category. I think you are quite clever. Terrific jawbone and sharing Jesse's artwork with us. I always enjoy coming here to see what interesting things you post.

EG CameraGirl said...

Well, you've taken us all the way from an art museum to a mint julep! I wouldn't mind a bit of both myself! :)

Tumblewords: said...

Laughing - I love a creative bartender! On my way to check the artist's video - he does sound interesting. Thanks for that link! I can't imagine exhibiting in a gallery like that - But you and your sister are wonderful artists!

Joy said...

The jazzy jasmine julep sounds as though it would hit the spot, and it looks pretty as well. Just the thing to have in hand when investigating art.

Roger Owen Green said...

I'll have a julep to go, please!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Carver said...

What a great take on the letter J. All good choices and I'd like a sip of the jazzy julep.

Amy said...

Paula - I started to watch the 22 min video on Jesse Reno's site - I watched 8 minutes of it and plan to catch the rest later. At first I thought I'd comment, "he certainly is hands on." Then, as I got caught up in the process, I began to see a 3 dimensional quality to his brilliant work. It's mesmerizing to watch and I can only imagine what his workshop entailed and what you were able to take out of it.

That julep is hysterical - very creative solution and delicious too - a "win win!"

Unknown said...

I'm late with commenting.
Great J-words here: Jefferson-Jesse-Jaw bone! Jasmine Juleps too!
Lovely pics.
Best wishes,
Anna's J-word (abc-Wed rd-7)


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