Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Drinking Dandelion Wine With a Delectable Dinner

ABC Wednesday is a word meme with participants from around the world. This fabulous meme was created and hosted by Mrs. Denise Nesbitt who hails from Great Britain. Over time, others have joined in to help host this wonderful and informative meme. We are now in our seventh round-some of the participants have been with this from the very first round; others have joined in along the way. Each week we are taken across the globe to see the varied and exciting contributions people have taken the time to discover and capture. We start with the letter, "A" and each week we post something in regards to the next letter of the alphabet. This week's letter is, "D".


A diptych that I have been working on this past month or so. Almost done. I have the two canvases too close to each other in this image, so it is a bit off, but there you go! Both canvases are 16" x 20". Mixed media. Most likely I will name it, "Primordial Soup".


This dog is just too cute! She's my sister's dog (my sister, Carol that I went to visit last week in Florida and boy is it hot and humid there). Her name is Kikea, but she is called, Kiki. She is a mini Australian Healer. She's cute and she knows it and plays it well, but in a really good and lovable (not annoying) way!


Don't you just love finding dandelions and blowing the seed heads into the wind? When my son was little, for the longest time he enjoyed picking these and blowing them. He also liked to pick the yellow flowers and present them to me to enjoy and smell. I had forgotten all about this little jewel of a memory until I sat down here to write something about the dandelion! I know the leaves have medicinal qualities of soothing upset digestive systems. I've heard of dandelion wine but never had it. Is it good? This particular dandelion are the jumbo kind-not the ones you find in your lawn, but reside on the roadsides, mountain slopes and pastures.


As in, "what's for dinner?". Now that I think about it, I think it might be my favorite meal! This dinner is crisp scalloped potatoes, roast pork and gravy. There was a side of fresh green salad too, but not pictured here (just imagine the salad of your choice). If you weren't hungry, I'll bet that you might be now! LOL! Hey-whats's for dessert? Hopefully something delightful.


Gigi Ann said...

Yes I remember blowing the Dandelion seeds around when I was a youngster. And children still bring the pretty yellow Dandelion blooms to me once in a while.

Great choice for D Day, today.

MorningAJ said...

Dinner looks good. Make sure the dog doesn't get it!

Vinay Leo R. said...

a fun post this :) the dog is very handsome :D

Annelie said...

Lots of D.s! Creative thinking...

Annelie E,

ABC Wednesday Team

photowannabe said...

Its lunch time and your dinner looks so delicious. Crispy potatoes and pork roast. Too yummilicious.
Dandelions do bring back so many memories with my boys. There was always a "bouquet" of them in a little vase on the windowsill.
Blowing the seeds and making a wish was a popular activity too.

Sylvia K said...

What a great collection of D words for the day! But then you always have a great collection, Paula!! And, of course, now I'm hungry! Really cute dog, too! Have a great afternoon!


Leslie: said...

Oh man! That dinner looks delicious! My kids used to pick dandelions for me, too, and this brought back some sweet memories! I'm a dog lover, too, so any dog face makes me smile. Have a great week! :D

Mara said...

My Mum actually made dandelion wine one year. She spent hours picking just the heads of the dandelion. It tasted really nice!

Amy said...

Paula, I like all your "d's" and you just had to put the delicious looking dinner last - so we leave hungry, wanting more! On our last visit to Portland I introduced the dandelion to "the Eliot" - he blew and his eyes widened - sooo cute!

I'm so happy you had a good visit with your sister. I clicked on her name and read about her new life - so beautifully written. She's fortunate to have you in her life for sure!

Roger Owen Green said...

Good name for the diptych. I've never had dendelion wine, probably should

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Verna Luga said...

your primordial soup is great hope to see it on the wall one of these days ....

My ABC Wed here

Tumblewords: said...

Dandelions are quite pretty and useful, too. I've never tried the wine but it's bound to be good! Love the Diptych - Primordial Soup is a good title! Dinner looks delicious and the dog looks quite debonair.

Gayle said...

That dog really knows how to pose for the camera.

jabblog said...

We've made dandelion wine in the past and it's very nice. Quite dry, so far as I remember.
I love dandelion clocks and even like dandelions in my garden.
Kiki is very pretty.

Kim, USA said...

When I first see dandelions I was amused. They thrive so fast that people got annoyed most of the time but not me I like to see the yellow tiny flowers in my yard. And yes I read it somewhere that there is some state who has a festivities for dandelion and that for me is cool! Happy Wednesday!

ABC Wednesday~D

Reader Wil said...

I learnt something new! Diptych! Great post!

Spadoman said...

I learned a new word, but doubt if I'll remember it or even know how to pronounce it! But your art work is superb! (dipshit? My brother used to call me that when we were kids?)
Dandelions are cool. Many people up here where grass grows all summer hire weed companies that spray their lawns and kill them. We let them divide and multiply. My Grandmother used to collect the leaves and make "greens", In Italian, they are called Chicoria, (Chick-Kaw'-Dee), derived from the word Chicory. Excellent served steamed, then with olive oil, pignoli and gorganzola.
Your dinner looks good. Maybe serve that chicoria dish with it and the salad, (with my home made Italian dressing)
Good "D" words. I'm just to busy to enter the fray, but I so much enjoy reading your stuff!


EG CameraGirl said...

Love all your D's, Paula! Especially your diptych.

mrsnesbitt said...

Hmmmmm I am very hungry now! Funnily enough my friend was here this afternoon and we were saying we could judt eat a roast dinner! lol! Romm for one more?

Joy said...

A dog that may rather like the dinner. Your diptych is luminous, just the place for new life.
Never had dandelion wine but my favourite fizzy drink is Dandelion & Burdock, a dark sweet malty pop.

Unknown said...

I really like your diptych!

the booker man said...

hihi, miss paula!
my big sis asa posts on my bloggie every friday, and she's a smarty pants, so she was totally giddy about doing an ABC wednesday post. anywho, me and asa thank you bunches 'n tons for coming by to visit!
now let's woof about these D's of yours! i think your diptych is most beautimous, and i love the colors on it! sweet miss kiki is way cutesies, and i sure bet she knows how to work it for extra cookies. teehee. oh, and that dinner of yours -- yum-o!!
i think you did a very most excellent job with the letter D! :)
the booker man


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