Saturday, July 03, 2010

Stealthy Shadows Strike Again!

Shhhh...and yet another cell phone photo taken stealthily in a retail store! Don't tell!

Who could resist? I know all of you couldn't (that is, you SSS'ers!)
This one deserves a name. How about, "Pax de deux"?

My friend, Oma has all kinds of neat things just casually about her garden and yard. This one graces the bench that is next to their driveway. Sort of like a guard dog/dragon kind of thing. In a spirit sense.

Every week, a group of us (that would be the reference to the SSS'ers) from around the world post our shadow shots over at Hey Harriet. Entertain your muse and be amused by stopping by to see what others have posted! You can view all of my 2009 Shadow Shot Sunday images on my Flickr account. Click here and then select the "Shadow Shot" set.


robin. said...

you go girl...catch those photos when you can...we won't tell!! you caught some lovely lines in that first one.

Arija said...

Love that Nureyev and Fontaine shot. great shadow play abd what a great little garden dragon! We only have a wombat.

Ralph said...

The photo artist needs to capture artistry ay the right time. Clandestine if necessary!

The mechanical looking device leaves an artistic shadow. The dog/dragon leaves a massive shadow in line with his job Both are excellent!

Sylvia K said...

You are so clever -- even when you're sneaky and I promise not to tell! Love both of your shots for the day! Dancers and dragons! Great combination! Enjoy your holiday weekend, Paula!


MJ said...

nice done...kind of artistic shots...

EG CameraGirl said...

Tee hee. Okie dokie, I won't tell. :)

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Dragon on duty,
advance if you dare; of flame,
trespasser, beware!

Shadowy Wind Chime

A Wild Thing said...

It's like taking a picture of the Amish, they don't appreciate it, yet I'm always trying to conceal my guilt after catching a shot, it's just that I respect their livelihood.

Photos By Cai said...

Great shadow photo, check out my Pop-Art style photo HERE :)

Also, tomorrow is monday and that means a new week of photo challenges at, as usuall the themes are:

Monday - Creative Colors (next challenge is WHITE)
Tuesday - Macro (open theme)
Wednesday - 2 of a kind (next challenge is ANALOG - DIGITAL)
Thursday - Urban (next challenge is LIGH POST)
Friday - Sunset (open theme)

Check it out and hopefully ill see you on Weekday Photos, have a great sunday!

Cai -

Unknown said...

Nice shots..sneaky is as sneaky does, when it comes to shadows

Chubby Chieque said...

Perfectly & artistic shots, girl! Go go...


Hey Harriet said...

Ok. Sure thing. I'll not say a word. Your secret is safe with us :)

I love that photo of the guard dog/dragon thingie!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

Sarah said...

One of the best things about mobile phones is their ability to take a photo quietly! Since being a blogger I am almost completely immune to funny looks as to why I am photographing such and such, and I get such a thrill from a secret shot!
I love that dragon.

just jody said...

glad to know i'm not the only covert the pic!

Cassie said...

hehe. Good ones. That little dragon casts a bumpy shadow in contrast to SSS#1 here. Happy 4thn of July too!!

lynda Howells said...

love these images.....lyndax

Kim, USA said...

Oh that's beautiful worth the sneaky sneak hehe! Happy Monday!

Shadow Shot Sunday

The Summer Kitchen Girls said...

you daredevil you!! Have to laugh...were at a new antique mall yesterday and I was not secretly taking a couple of pictures of mirrors for a of the employees came up and asked if I was taking pictures - yes, I said, and writing down measurements...ha! When we left I had purchased a small plate and was looking at all of the BIG one said - no picture taking allowed - we will email you a picture if you need it - oooops! Well, it seems I had a nice worker that didn't want to get me in trouble!!

Love the shadow, as well as the shadow of the garden dragon - neat! We did have a lovely semi-long weekend - now we are playing catch up with SSS visits! Hope you had a nice weekend as well Paula!!


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