Saturday, July 24, 2010

The Matador

Yah, I know what you're thinking while sitting there looking at this image. "What the heck does this have to do with a Matador?", you ask.

Is it like an ink block test where you interpret the shadow to be a Matador?

Nah, nothing that complicated.

OK. Now you have the whole picture. This car is called, "Matador".
The shadow was above the top of the front light on the left of the car (driver's side). Of course, this car all had all kinds of shadows on the back part of it too.
And yes, you can bet your bottom booty that I made a spectacle of myself photographing this lovely old relic!
And, yes, I loved every minute of it!

Every week, a group of us from around the world post our shadow shots over at Hey Harriet. Entertain your muse and be amused by stopping by to see what others have posted! You can view all of my 2009 Shadow Shot Sunday images on my Flickr account. Click here and then select the "Shadow Shot" set.


Annie Jeffries said...

Good for you. Shoot away. We unapologetic shutterbugs can get caught up by the darndest things. LOL

Chasing Purple Dreams said...

Before I scrolled down, I was sure I could see a Matador in the first image. The rust forming his cape…… Does that make me impressionable or creative??

BLOGitse said...

What a Matador. Much better than the other one!
Happy SSS from Casa!

robin. said...

paula scott you rocked that just go ahead and do your thing no matter what you look like!!

Ralph said...

This is a 1960 Dodge Matador! I love the big finned Chrysler Corp. cars from this era, known as the 'Forward Look'. Given the dry New Mexico air and that you don't use road salt, the engine is probably dead but the sheet metal perfect. A collector back east would pay $3500 in my opinion for a 50 year old car.

Cars were rolling sculptures back then, and you found a beauty!

Sylvia K said...

What a hoot! And what a delight you are, Paula! You always make me smile, giggle or laugh out loud! And I love that old Matador and those kinky fun shadows! Have a great, shadow shooting weekend with lots of laughter!


Anonymous said...

What a fabulous old car to provide a setting for your shadows!

The Summer Kitchen Girls said...

What a cool shot! Awesome car, too. The only thing that could make it better would be a video of you getting those shots;0)
Karla & Karrie

Anca Pandrea said...

Great how perspective can change when you look through a lens. Nice shots!

Annie Jeffries said...

Hello again, Paula. Yes, my site did change. Format used to be the standard lighthouse background that blogger offered. Now they offer all these other fun options. Also, after I retired (just five weeks ago) I change the title of my blog. The link still reads In My Dreams but the new title is The Best of My Life. I changed it because I had been dreaming of retirement for five years and then it arrived. The dream came true and now I truly am in the best of my life.

Cassie said...

hehe. Matador. Must show this one to my husband!

EG CameraGirl said...

Sweet Matador! The rust does not diminish its beauty.

And neat shadows.

Serendipity said...

I love that first shot - very creative!

Sam said...

Great captures! I particularly like that first one - very pretty! Although, the matador in the second shot is pretty snazzy looking too. They certainly don't make cars like that anymore, do they? Have a super lovely week ahead!

Kitty said...

the Matador was a great opportunity. Hey, are you *really* a rocket scientist?...

Hey Harriet said...

LOVE that car! I can imagine you having a blast taking photos of it from all sorts of wild and crazy angles! Love your style girl!

Qwave À la carte said...

Color & Shadow Play
Me Heart :)

Unknown said...

Wow, that is fantastic. Not only the shadow, but I love that old car.

A Wild Thing said...

What a cool beast, makes you wonder what they were thinking back in the day when they came up with these designs...ultra-modern for sure!!!

Lisa's RetroStyle said...

I love that car...and the color...and that cool shadow on it! I would have never guessed what I was looking at from the first shot. Cool.

Kim, USA said...

I thought it's about the matador the animal ^_^ Tough muscle car ^_^

Poultry Barn

Spadoman said...

WOW! I love this! I love old cars. I'm thining this is a 1960 Dodge, that's the year they had the Matador. AMC had a Matador as well, later on, but this was a luxuiry car compared to anything AMC produced.
I didn't do Shadow Shots this past weekend, I was away, (as usual). But I wandered over here to see you and found this old car. Is it yours? Do you drive it?
Pretty cool! And great shadow shot too. Could be a new meme or game, take a shot, then gusee what it might be. You'd have stumped everyone with this.


Anonymous said...

Great shot! Thank you for visiting my blog, and for your kind comment.



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