Monday, April 26, 2010

Twenty Five Years Ago...

We said, "I do..."

I wore his mother's wedding dress from 1945ish (not exactly sure what year, but it was during the war and no lace was used as the entire nation conserved resources in order to fight WWII). My veil was designed by me and hand made. It was the first time I got my straight, long hair permed. Although, it doesn't look very curly!

We kept our wedding budget to under $800.00 and had over a 100 guests. I asked my fellow co-workers (we were all waiters and waitresses at a nice restaurant) to serve the wine and drinks. Family friends took care of setting the food out and decorating and cleaning up. All the wine and champagne was bought from Trader Joe's! My roommate, who was a line cook at the restaurant we worked at (The Boathouse in San Diego) made the most insane cake (she practiced for a year before the wedding). It was chocolate chiffon with butter cream frosting and a mocha filling. To date, it is still one of the best cakes I ever ate. Thanks, Toni Conception! You rock! My family sang at the wedding and at the reception. It was a community affair, for sure. It meant a lot to us to not have an outrageous wedding. It was important to us that those that we loved and cared about were active participants in making the event happen.

It was a lot of fun and the best wedding I've been to and in! ; )

It's been an adventure and continues to be. Just like the rest of life: full of ups and downs. But, having someone to love and share it with is the best part of all.

Happy Anniversary Honey! Here's to 25 years and to at least 25 more (contract will be up for negotiation at that time)!


Tumblewords: said...

Congratulations to you two! What a lovely photo and tribute!

photowannabe said...

Happy anniversary to you. I really like how family and community oriented your wedding was. Ours was an effort by family and friends too. I have absolutely no regrets. Didn't cost much and everyone had a good time. said...

Happy Happy Anniversary Paula :)

rebecca said...

i love how golden the light falls across this beautiful wedding gown. and this coming together of all those you love to create your wedding. and how twenty five years later it is still their love that remains your most cherished memory.

i came over to thank you for your generous and loving place in this years gallery of hope. together we have transformed the work of our hands into the work of our hearts.
thanks paula for your caring and beautiful heart!



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