Sunday, November 25, 2007

ATC Demos

My bad....well, I feel like my bad as I haven't posted in what feels like EONS.
Just being mindful of slowing down my pace of life, really.
These images are from last weekend when our Albuquerque Art Trading Card Group did some ATC demos at the Recycle Santa Fe Art Show. It is the coolest art show as far as I'm concerned! It spans the entire weekned and artists sell their wares that they have made from recycled things (the item must contain at least 70% of a recycled object). It is absolutely amazing to see what people create that is not only very saleable; it is hard to resist buying as much as feasible within a budget! Several of my friends were in this show: Leighanna Light, Laurie Gregg and Judith Thibaut.
The show kicks off on a Friday evening with a Fashion Show where participants strut their finery all made of recycled goods. Ages of particiapnts in the show range from toddler to adult. I took pictures of this show too and am in the midst of editing the images (and paring down the 300 files to about 60) to put into a slide show format to post here. I hope to get that up sometime within the next week, so keep checking back for that!
Back to the demo...I had such a delightful time! The little girl that sat next to me for almost an hour was about four years old and cranked out about 6 cards during that time span. So many of these kids couldn't wait to get into the make and take area to just sit down and do their own thing! Some were very reluctant to leave when the time came (But, mom! I'm not done yet!!).
The best part is, that everything used were recycled goods. Any school would be wise to just have a make and take area like this where kids could come in and just create anything. Or a Communtiy Center where kids can come in after school or on the weekend. Children's Museums always have a make and take area full of recycled goods.

1 comment:

redredday said...

oooh. this all sounds like so much fun. love the idea of art made out of recycled materials. wish i could have been there to see the show.
and lucky kids! how wonderful to have them wanting to stay longer and make art together. success! :).


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