Thursday, July 26, 2007

Patriotics from the 47th Outpost

You know, I thought I was being clever; I had burned this image to a cd and took it with me to Hawaii so that I could post it on July 4th. Hah! What was I thinking? As you can see, it didn't happen. Anyway, looking at Raine's post reminded me that I hadn't done this one yet. It is from our series of glass negatives that we are in the midst of what will prove to be a lengthy, self-imposed research project. This negative has no names, dates or catalog number on it. I doubt that we will ever discover who these people are. However, we do know that most of the images we have are from the 1909-20's time frame. I suspect that most of them are from 1912-1918. I have a feeling that this one may have been taken somewhere around Jan. 6th, 1912 when New Mexico became the 47th state to join the union. Why else would a couple include a flag in their portrait? Well, ok, I suppose if one of them is running for office. There are a few other images in the glass negatvie collection that have people with flags. I will confess that I did add the sepia tone, but other than that, what you see is what it is. And, isn't that TWO flags stitched togeher to form the backdrop? I wonder too, if there are 47 stars on that flag...anyone with eagle eyes out there???

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