Wednesday, May 16, 2007

May ATCs

These are a couple of the ATCs I did for our May trade. The theme was "Pre-Raphealite" or any art movement. I figure these fell into the category of abstract, even though that is a style, not a movement.
Close enough!
I didn't even think I would have time to make anything for the trade since I was finishing up a grueling semester and graduation on the same day as our trade!
But, I found some monoprints that I had sitting around and remembering my resolution from Feburary (use what I have), I put more paint on it and sumi ink and streaks of gold, and tore them up into 2 1/2" X 3 1/2" pieces.
One of my printmaking teachers said to take everything you make seriously. What she meant by this is what I've done here. I didn't like they way these were and took it in a different direction instead of discarding them forever.


Anonymous said...

These are beautiful! I'm trying to use up all the background papers I've made through the years. I love pulling out one that I don't like, adding to it, and then actually being able to use it! :)

Bridgette Guerzon Mills said...

congratulations on your graduation!

Very true what your printmaking teacher said. I've done that before-taking something that I totally thought was terrible and then taking it to another direction after I let it sit for a while.

Thanks again Paula for what you told me at the coffee shop in Pioneer Square. It really stayed with me. You helped me more htan you know! Thanks again.


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