Sunday, July 23, 2006

Making Art Safely

No image to go with this entry! Oh, well...I'm up in Santa Fe for the week on an art trek. Couldn't get my web images to download to a memory stick, so I will post images after I get back home at the end of the week. I'm here this week for a workshop in printmaking; monotype printmaking, to be exact. Now, I could have taken a montype class down in town at Albuquerque. However, part of my criteria was to leave home for a week. For me, it's outside of my comfort zone and pushing the edge a bit. I had trouble trying to stay focused on what to pack, as it involves bringing food and art supplies for the week. I won't know how I did on packing for this until tomorrow or so. I do know that I forgot to bring salt and pepper and dried basil with me for seasonings! Gonna have to get creative with the meals! Went to Trader Joes (TJ) and spent about $65.00 on food. And one bottle of Merlot (Fetzer). Should last me most of the week; Santa Fe has its fair share of stellar restaurants, so I will reserve a few meals to take advantage of that. Man, by the time I got myself packed up to hit the road, the butterflies hit my stomach! I think I had this anxiety when I headed out the door for a week in Mexico when I had turned 50. I'll probably have butterflies again tomorrow morning when I head off to class. I'm going to try and do journal entires each day. Hopefully, when I get back home, I'll have images to go with these bogs too. To find out more about the workshop I'm doing, go to and look for the monotype workshop the week of July 24th. I have to admit, I'm pretty excited about this. I kind of wish I had a friend with me to share the art experience, but all the other "Paula's" that live in side my head will have to do! : )

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