Saturday, November 12, 2011

Lizard, Lizard on the Wall, Who's the Hottest of them All?

...or, of red chiles and green chairs...

I wonder what is going on in this reptilian mind? I think it's, "I wonder when that  human thing with the camera will quit it?". But, how could I resist this little guy next to the red chile ristra? So glad he let me indulge. He made my day!

Bright colors, warm sun, patterns and shadows. What is there not to like? All the ingredients for a perfect afternoon.

"Everything that we see is a shadow cast by that which we do not see." (Martin Luther King)

Every week, a group of us from around the world post our shadow shots over at Hey Harriet. Entertain your muse and be amused by stopping by to see what others have posted! You can view all of my 2010 Shadow Shot Sunday images on my Flickr account. Click here to view them.


Ralph said...

The southwest is full of interesting critters, such as this diminutive reptile. If he were six times his present size, he would look scary. Here he is almost cute...the shadow along the house is neat and angular. Who cares what the lizard thinks about the photo artist - fire away!

Cassie said...

Cool ShadowShot! Though I am no longer fond of snakes, I still think lizards are adorable. As a kiddo I used to catch all kinds of reptiles and play with them. Now, not so much,. hehe. HAppy SSS!!

Sylvia K said...

I always love your shadow shots and today is no exception! That lizard is a cute little bugger, isn't he! Hope you have a lovely weekend, Paula! Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

A lovely contrast between the two shots. We used to get geckos in the house when we lived in Indonesia .... it was fascinating to see them run up the walls and across the ceiling!

robin. said...

how cool is that little fellow!! i love it when a photo op presents itself like that!! sweet shadow shots miss paula!!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Thank you, Mr. Lizard, for holding still!


Shadow, shadow, if I could,
I would meet you in the wood,
Where the frenzied fairies play
In the blazing light of day.

But, dear shadow, I dare not
Go to that secluded spot,
For I fear the woodland path
And what’s more, the fairies’ wrath!

© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

Frosty Shadows

Kay L. Davies said...

Ralph said "if he were six times his present size" but I was thinking bigger—if we only saw the shadow, without the chiles for scale, we might think this tiny fella a dinosaur.
Lovely shadow shots, Paula.

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

Catherine said...

that lizard shot is really cute...

LV said...

Loved your shadow combination.

T... said...

what neat shadow shots....very cool

The Summer Kitchen Girls said...

WHo's milkin' it!! What a cute little guy...look's like he needs some shade though :) Fabulous shadows Paula!! HAve a great week!


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