Saturday, November 26, 2011

Celebrating the Mundane

An on going theme with me, this celebration of the mundane...

Believe it or not, this image is connected to Thanksgiving (there, now that should get your attention!). In the early morning the day before Thanksgiving, I am getting my dining room ready for the next day's celebration. Cleaning, putting the tablecloth down, the flower arrangement, etc. I am rushing around trying to get as much done as possible as it will leave less to do come Thursday morning. I see this dust bunny on the floor and nearly swooped down to get rid of it when I realized that a shaft of the morning light coming from way across the living room window past the hallway and into the threshold area of the dining room on to this dust bunny lent itself to a very unique shadow.

I give up! I know that light waits for no one, so off I go for my camera in the macro setting to get this beauty (yes, it is in the eye of the beholder and I behold this as beauty!). The shots are so close, you can see the 'pores' in the wood laminate floor.

But, maybe this really isn't a dust bunny. After all, it is made up mostly of our cat's hair. So, perhaps this is a cat bunny?

For those of you who did celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope that everything went well and met or exceeded your expectations. As for me, I've been on a strict diet of turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy with cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie ever since Thursday! No end in sight either!

I do hope you join me in finding ways each day to stop and celebrate the mundane. Nothing and everything is of importance. For me, it is in doing things like this that get me to slow down long enough to breathe in the moment and revel in its details. For I know that even tomorrow the light in this very same space at the very same time of day will be different. And, come next year at the exact same time, the sun will have moved it's position of rising and it will not cast that same shaft of light through my dining room threshold for several more years.

"Everything that we see is a shadow cast by that which we do not see." (Martin Luther King)

Every week, a group of us from around the world post our shadow shots over at Hey Harriet. Entertain your muse and be amused by stopping by to see what others have posted! You can view all of my 2010 Shadow Shot Sunday images on my Flickr account. Click here to view them.


Ralph said...

A dust bunny is enhanced with cat dander! This mass of fluff looks almost alive, perhaps akin to a tumbleweed - only inside instead of out...We had turkey Thursday and yesterday (though a pizza last night :)

Turkey quesadillas tomorrow, turkey leek soup one day and another turkey soup to be as well. We like that this bird never seems to go away! Another reason to be thankful!

robin. said...

i am right there with you paula...attached to your hip. i am a lover of the mundane. i delighted in seeing your excitement over the "cat bunny." you made me smile. my picture this week is towards the simple side...thanks for your post!!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

The dust bunny looks angelic. Thanks be to God!


Shadows above me, shadows below,
Shadows beside me, wherever I go;

Shadows each morning, shadows at night—
Shadows, O shadows, you’re my delight!

© 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

Shadows here and shadows there

Sylvia K said...

Oh, yes, I'm with you, too, Paula! I love your "cat bunny" and your words and others always bring me a smile because you make me realize I'm not the only lover of the mundane!! Enjoy all the turkey and have a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

A fabulous shadow shot! Some years ago, Malcolm celebrated Thanksgiving with a colleague in Texas ..... they had turkey which had been deep fried in a vast pot of oil on the BBQ - but he said it was delicious!!

Sarah said...

Cat bunny-I like it! It looks like a little fluffy heart. Well spotted. Enjoy the rest of that turkey!

genie said...

You are just so clever. Am glad you did not sweep it up before taking a photo of it. Who would ever have thought a dust bunny could suddenly become e a work of photographic art. You did a great job of shooting it. Who would even know it was a dust bunny? I love it. You have taken the mundane and turned it into art. Kudos! genie

Where is my shadow,
I can't find her anywhere,
I'm lonely without her.

If the lighting's right,
and I am out in the yard,
I bet she’ll be there.

That will make me smile,
My loneliness will then end,
I'll be with my friend.

The Summer Kitchen Girls said...

A diet of Turkey & mashed potatoes 'eh? Love much we're having our 2nd Thanksgiving tomorrow :) Love your cat bunny...we have tons around our dining room as well...only dog bunnies! Now, taking a picture of it, I haven't! Truly love it...and it's story Paula!

Patti said...

This cat bunny looks familiar! And I do like that you celebrated its beauty. ;-)

Re: your comment on the Christmas tree - someone should start a business offering to take down and put away trees and ornaments in January! I'll bet they could make money. It's such a chore.

A Wild Thing said...

I have a similar species rolling around in my home, 'dog bunny' glad you don't groom dogs in your spare room...never ending bunny catching!!!

Chubskulit Rose said...

Beautifully captured shadow!

Shadow at my page, please come and see.

Cassie said...

Lovely mundane! Happy SSS.

BLOGitse said...

Thank you, I learnt a new word and it's perfect for me, mundane.
My life is rich even if it might look very boring and mundane.
I have time for things which are important for me. Like learning to paint... :)

rebecca said...

perfect sacred ordinary!
every moment a bright possibility to find the divine.

i wanted to share that i just posted my invitation for our twelve days of mary!
i so enjoyed each of your offers last year and hope you will join in again to share the heart of mary!


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