Sunday, January 16, 2011

Fostering Talent

Isa's Saturday Project (from a few weeks ago): 

Isa aka Isabella Jack (her middle name is a Hawaiian one and too complicated for my brain to remember how to spell it correctly). She lives in Hilo and she's my niece. She is my younger sister, Teresa's middle child and only girl. This girl was born with ambition, drive and talent. Doesn't take 'no' very easily for an answer either! She has these deep blue eyes that can enchant you or cut through you like a steel sword. Long blond hair-tall and willowy. An amazing young woman, she is indeed.

Anyway, my sister sent me this (the image above) the other week. I wanted to post it immediately, but had to wait for the permission to do so to come back to me. Teresa said that this was Isa's Saturday project. Go, Isa!

How does one foster talent? Encourage. Not stand in the way. Not judge. Allow the individual to be who they are. Not easy for all of us adults to do-especially for ourselves. I would conject that it might be easier to foster talent in someone else than it would be to do so for ourselves. Right? But we all know that creativiy does its best when untethered.

Isa's Halloween costume

That's Isa on the left-the tall one! I asked my sister who made the costume for her (thinking that my sister had). She said that Isa put it together all on her own and so did her friend.  The adults were so wowed that they forgot to take a whole slew of pictures. This is the only evidence of it.

So what does this have to do with Rebecca's meme, "Stumbling Towards Ecstasy"? It's about what we need to foster creativity. Shedding self doubt. Silencing our inner critic and turning a deaf ear to the external critics. It's about not judging and it is about letting yourself run 'wild' so to speak. Permission to play. It's about loving yourself and trusting your intuition in order for it guide you through life.

it's your thoughts and your spirit
and your creativity and your flare
and your heart and your sparkle
and your passion and your loves
and your courage that make up
the incredible mix of who you are...

why oh why
do we let others tell us
what our mix should be?!
~terri st. cloud

Trust yourself. Let go.


rebecca said...

thank you for this...
i want you to know how much i am loving what this group stumbling is becoming.
pure support.
reminders of just how sweet the stumbling in life can be,
when you arrive present and willing.


Fran aka Redondowriter said...

Your niece is a delight and I love how you linked her story and creativity to stumbling towards ecstasy.

Noelle Clearwater said...

I could not agree more. The more we are "less" like anyone else and "more" like ourselves, the better off each of us will be. Great stuff. Your niece will have not trouble. She is her own woman.

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

Silencing the doubts is not always easy, but oh, so rewarding, when we do!
Sweet Ecstasy!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I agree 100%.

foxysue said...

Sometimes we have to visit our childhood again to remember how it feels to be fully who we are!

Thank you for this reminder, we need to keep reminding each other.

Love Sue x

SallyBR said...

Paula, I saw a link to your photos over at, because I was reading reviews on a Sigma macro lenses that you happened to recommend.

I am a food blogger, with very limited experience in photography - do you think the Sigma lenses would be a good option for food photography?

I have a Nikon D3000

Sorry to "hijack" your blog with an unrelated question, but I would love some advice before making the move to buy it

Thank you so much!

deb did it said...

wow! cool collage....and oh how you speak such truths....I adore Terris words too! This is such a great post

SallyBR said...

Paula, feel free to delete my comment, I guess it wasn't appropriate after all.


Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

To Sally BR: I would love to answer your question, but I have no way of reaching you since I do not have your email. You can email me directly...


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