Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Of Friendhsip, Frogs, Fireflies and Firemen: Fabulous and Fantastic

ABC Wednesday is a word meme with participants from around the world. This fabulous meme was created and hosted by Mrs. Denise Nesbitt who hails from Great Britain. Over time, others have joined in to help host this wonderful and informative meme. We are now in our seventh round-some of the participants have been with this from the very first round; others have joined in along the way. Each week we are taken across the globe to see the varied and exciting contributions people have taken the time to discover and capture. We start with the letter, "A" and each week we post something in regards to the next letter of the alphabet. This week's letter is, "F".


Frogs: not of the pond or tree variety, but of the yard decor kind. This was at the coolest import kind of place in Monticello (it has Jackalope beat by miles!). Right off of the main highway (oooh-don't quiz me on this! Hwy 19?). I had a field day taking photos here at Wheelers Nursery and Produce...although I will admit to not seeing the nursery or the produce since I was totally distracted by the imported decor.


I beleive these to be the firemen from the Albuquerque fire department. It was a few months back and there was yet another fire at the Bosque. I, for one am very grateful for ALL of our firemen. They are truly our everyday heroes.


We do not have fireflies here in New Mexico. I wish we did. If we did, I would be able to go and photograph them for myself. As it is, this incredible image belongs to Steven David Johnson who had it posted at the website for fireflies. I emailed Steven to ask permission to post his image here, but have not heard back from him. I hope he doesn't make me take it down, but do visit his site as his images are indeed beautiful, captivating and amazing. Very talented man. The firefly site is very informative too.


Barbara (Wahinekapu) Kessler, Paula (Mondoy) Scott, Theresa aka Terri Oda)

Friends. Everyone needs them, but not everyone has them. Good friends are a good find and are hard to come by. Especially where your friendship has no demands on each other and transcends time. You can go years upon years not seeing or hearing from each other. And, then, comes that moment when you do get together and you all pick up where you left off. These two are my best friends from high school (St. Francis High School in Manoa Valley, Oahu). We always laughed a lot and had a great time whenever we were together. I'm not exactly sure when this photo was taken-I think maybe 1991? It was at the San Diego Zoo. We graduated from high school in 1972. Bobbi (Barbara) wasn't sure if she was going to fly back home to Hawaii for our 30th class reunion. I talked her into it. Then, she told me that Terri wasn't going to go back home for our reunion-we had all skipped our 25th reunion, so I told Terri that we needed to go as one never knows when that will be the last time we see a fellow classmate. You know, it was one of those' "life is too short" kind of speeches.
We all made it home for the reunion and had a blast seeing everyone. That was in October 1992. We were glad that we made the effort.
That was the last time Bobbi and I saw Terri alive. She died suddenly in March of 1993 (or, maybe it was February). Her heart gave way.
I still miss my friend terribly to this day-I know we all do. But, it does give me an even deeper perspective to cherish the friends that I do have. Because, life is too short.


Gigi Ann said...

Your choices for F Day were great. I agree about old girlfriends getting together and starting where we left off. I know that is how it goes with my high school girlfriend, we still see each other every few years. What fun to recall old times. I'm sorry your friends' heart gave way, she will be missed but not forgotten.

Sylvia K said...

I love all your F words for the F Day! But then I always love your posts! Great photos! And Friends are the best of all! Have a Fabulous week with lots of Fun!


Vinay Leo R. said...

good choices and images :) there is always room for friendship in life.. :)

My ABCW Post

Leslie: said...

Great post! Wish we had fireflies here, too, but alas...And friends ARE so important to us in life. :D

MorningAJ said...

Love those frogs!

Rune Eide said...

Having Firemen as Friends would be extremely handy :-)

Carol said...

Love those frogs! What a beautiful picture of you and your friends....and a sad story....

photowannabe said...

Life is definitely too short to not have cherished friendships. I'm so glad you could have one last time to see your friend before she passed.
You are so right about not seeing some friends for long times in between and being able to pick up right where one left off. I have several like that. I don't know what I would do without them.

Hildred said...

Great choices for the letter F - the friendship one is especially precious. Sad to lose those close friends, but we hold the memories close.

Kay L. Davies said...

My brother and his family tell me Moloka'i is the most beautiful island in Hawaii. My husband and I are going to Hawaii in December so perhaps I'll be able to judge for myself. I haven't been to New Mexico, either, but I've been talking about going there for years. The two Canadian provinces I call home are beautiful, too, each in their own way. British Columbia is range upon range of rugged mountains, ending with the Rockies, on the other side of which is Alberta, where I live now. It took me a long time to get over missing the ocean and the mountains but every day shows me more beauty here on the prairie. It's a wonderful world, and I hope humanity doesn't destroy it.

Annelie said...

A lot of frogs! And I had only one....

Annelie E
ABC Wednesday team

Roger Owen Green said...

FINE post, esp the FIELD of FROGS!

On behalf of ABC Wednesday team, thank you! - ROG

Amy said...

Paula, I really, really liked this post. The firefly is amazing - we don't have them here in CA either - the only time I've ever seen them was in Toledo OH! A good reminder re friends too - life is tenuous at best. I bet you have a ton of good memories though.

Carolyn Ford said...

I have one of those frogs in my backyard...but, to see so many, what a HOOT!

Tumblewords: said...

Great choices. Friends are so valuable. Several of my best have passed on and will forever be missed!

Wendy said...

Oh you live where I want to end up in 5 years :) I've never seen a live firefly so what a wonderful and lovely insect for "F." As for the firemen, always love to look ;) Thank you...

Kim, USA said...

You are definitely right. Real friend is rare to find. I have real friends too and they live in another country. I do missed them. By the way, the fireflies me and my sibling used to catch them too and put inside a jar. It's very cool to see them fire there butt just like that hehehe! Happy Wednesday!
ABC Wednesday


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