Saturday, August 14, 2010

Here Spidey, Spidey, Spidey!!!

Hope springs eternal...

Gourd seedlings with the sweetest little shadows! I doubt that I will have gourds from these as I planted these too late in the season. But, hope springs eternal and I am optimistic that I might just get lucky with these.

Spider's Liar

I know this looks like a black and white photo, but it is in living color! And I'm sure that the image might not make sense. So, I will explain it as best I can. I have an empty planter pot that an aluminum wind chime fell into. The pot sits next to another pot that has a plant growing in it. Some spider went to town with a web in the interior of the pot which is what you are looking at. The shadow cast is from the plant in the pot next to it. It just seemed so dramatic and mysterious that I found myself once again dashing back into the house to retrieve my camera. Actually, I went for it to get the shots of the shadows on the gourd seedling, then discovered this liar and added that to the back yard photo shoot! Capish?

Every week, a group of us from around the world post our shadow shots over at Hey Harriet. Entertain your muse and be amused by stopping by to see what others have posted! You can view all of my 2009 Shadow Shot Sunday images on my Flickr account. Click here and then select the "Shadow Shot" set.


Tom Hilton said...

Ooh, I really like that spider's lair shot--very evocative and spooky. Nice!

Ralph said...

The leaves are tender and provide delicate shadows. The shadows below are complex and plentiful. The shapes are intriguing, and we cannot make heads or tails of the frame without an explanation. Thus, this is shadowy art that allows our imaginations to work overtime in interpreting the views...

angie said...

I have a thing for spiders, too!
great shot -- and I've been snopping in your blog: you're very entertaining!


angie said...

of course I meant "snooping" but snopping could be fun too, I suppose!

robin. said...

llllllloooovvvveee the spider's lair...awesome...thanks for the explanation as well!!!

frayedattheedge said...

A lovely contrast between you two shadow shots!

Cassie said...

Capish! Both of these are really cool ShadowShots. The gourd seedling is so fresh and colorful, while the lair is, well lairish! Have a great weekend.

Sylvia K said...

Oh, yes! Love the leaves and the spooky spider's lair! Terrific shadow shots as always, Paula! Hope you have a great weekend!


Catherine said...

love that second shot - very evocative!!

Anca Pandrea said...

Great shadows and lovely story, too!

Serendipity said...

It's a lovely shadow shot however it came about!

Unknown said...

What a great shot of the spider's lair. Well done!

Hey Harriet said...

Yup. Capish! You almost had me immediately hitting the back button as soon as I saw your blog title! I bravely continued on though! I'm glad I did because I love the spider lair shot! You have such a great eye!

Sam said...

Spiders and I have a love hate relationship! I like them and respect them but if they grow any larger than a 10 cent piece I'm not too keen on them! Having said that, this is a very nice set of shadowy shots! Hope you're having a lovely weekend!

The Summer Kitchen Girls said...

Love the hopeful seedling!! You never know Paula, you might just get a crop :) Karrie & I planted our tomatoes at the same time, hers are bursting forth with fruit...however, mine are just beginning to flower - you never know!!! Love your spidy shot as well...very mysterious abode he has! HAve a great week!!

Eden said...

Great photos. Love both two images. You took good pictures.

Have a great week.

BLOGitse said...

Sorry I'm late but I was in bed for two days - terrible flu. Not well yet, so back to bed after visiting my SSS friends...

Your shot is great and interesting!
Have a good week ahead!

Spadoman said...

These are both very cool shots! Tell me more about the gourds. What kind are they suppose to be if they grow up? Big ones? Little ones? Medium? I make rattles from gourds. They don't grow too well up here, so get them on my trips down that way.
I can "see" the spider web. You must have a camera that does close-ups good. I don't have a good tool for such shots, but I can see them and always think to myself, "That would make a great photo."
Good stuff as usual.


Chubby Chieque said...

Amazing shot!

Hope your in the best of everything while am away for almost 8 weeks.

Have a nice week ahead.


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