Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Eye, Eye, Eye!!

ABC Wednesday is a word meme with participants from around the world. This fabulous meme was created and hosted by Mrs. Denise Nesbitt who hails from Great Britain. Over time, others have joined in to help host this wonderful and informative meme. We are now in our seventh round-some of the participants have been with this from the very first round; others have joined in along the way. Each week we are taken across the globe to see the varied and exciting contributions people have taken the time to discover and capture. We start with the letter, "A" and each week we post something in regards to the next letter of the alphabet. This week's letter is, "E".

Being  eclectic and eccentric, it has led to an excessive post today! I hope you will excuse me. Enjoy...

 Funky as this is, I thought it would be amusing to put a real eye and a graffitti eye together. The graffiti eye was at the beach at Alligator Pt. in Florida:

(image from Google image search: Alligator Point Taxpayer's Association web)

 My sister drove me down here to see it when I was visiting her, since it 'wasnt' that far' from our Wakula Springs visit. Now I can say that I've been there. Although I never heard of it before my visit.


Elephant garlic is a larger kind of garlic than what you usually see. It has a milder and less sharp a flavor than regular garlic. When you buy a head of Elelphant Garlic, there are little garlic buds in the head that can be considered 'seeds'. Plant them in the fall and you will have your own garlic next spring.


(image most likely from Wikipedia page)

I uploaded this image a few weeks back for the letter, "E". I neglected to make notes that were retrievable to me as to which Emperor this is and where the image came from! All I know is that he is a Japanese Emperor as Japan still has Emperors. Unfortunately, I cannot educate you or myself on this particular Emperor! Anyone who knows, please, pipe in.


Ecotourism: sounds like a good thing, doesn't it? For the most part it is. BUT, one should educate themselves as much as possible before partaking in "Ecotourism". Like anything else, it does have a down side. Invasion of plant and animal species not indigenious to the area can wreck havoc. Witness the pristine and isolated back valleys of Hawaii. A few years back, some hikers who had been to another area of the world on an Eco tour (Indonesia?) did not clean all the dirt and mud from the bottom of their hiking shoes. They visited the islands in Hawaii and went hiking in the back valleys. Seeds from plants not indigenous to the area took foot and thrived in an area where it had no natural enemies. It nearly choked out all the native plants in the back valleys and caused endangerment to the native species. Fortunately, as a result, HEA (Hawaii Ecotourism Association) grew and they, along with Nature Conservancy have strived to educate the public of the hazards of ecotourism and how to partake in it responsibly.


 (image from Wikipedia page)

The Ethiopian Wolf is one many endangered species that face extinction on this planet. Ted Turner, has done much in the way of re-introducing many endangered species (the Turner Foundation) back into the wild and even taking them off of the endangered speicies list. He is a champion for the environment and ecology and for saving endangered species. The Bison is perhaps, one of his best examples. On my trip to FL, we ate at one of his restaurants. Ted Turner is so fully committed to the cause that it is reflected as much as possible in his restaurant. Even the straws were bio degradable. If only more businesses would embrace this philosophy! Our environment would be much better. I applaud Mr. Turner's efforts. They are exemplary.


Gigi Ann said...

I enjoyed your E post today. So much informative information today.

Sylvia K said...

Fun, informative and colorful post for the E Day -- as they are for A-Z Days! I love them! Gorgeous captures from Florida1 You are so clever! Hope your week is going well, Paula! Enjoy!


Leslie: said...

I can always count on being educated when I enter your site. Great post, as usual. Have a great week! :D

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

that's an awesome list of e words.
very smart and educational!

Roger Owen Green said...

Particularly wise on the ecotourism.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Kim, USA said...

Nice choice of letter E. Great shot!
ABC Wednesday~E

Vinay Leo R. said...

a lot of different E's today :) educative post too.. liked that beach photo, and elephant garlic? :-o

Joy said...

Like you linking Es and learned a lot. Always thought eco-tourism may be a bit of an oxymoron. Alligator point looks lovely.
Your careworn Japanese emperor is Meiji.

Hildred said...

A lovely bunch of E's - I am particularly interested in the Ecotourism, - we are at a stage in our lives when we don't do a lot of travelling and so this particular danger hadn't occurred to me, but I can certainly see the need for concern.

photowannabe said...

Bio-degradable straws. Really interesting.
I always learn so much from your posts Paula.

Wanda said...

What a wonderful array of E's. Beautiful water.....

Carol said...

The eyes have it! And the ecotourism is good for people to be aware of. Great Es.

Tumblewords: said...

Terrific information. The wolf is absolutely gorgeous. Thanks for another excellent post!

Cheryl said...

Lots of great E-formation today. I especially enjoyed learning about ecotourism. The environment is truly fragile in places.

Jama said...

What an enjoyable post!

Dina said...

Shalom Paula. I'm enjoying your eclecticism here.
Your news about the foreign seeds causing havoc is really wild. But now it reminds me, there used to be a question on forms you filled out in the airplanes when approaching another country (or maybe another USA state): "Have you been on a farm in the last x months?"
I worked 6 years at Heifer International's [www.heifer.org] ranch in Arkansas, in Livestock. Whenever I traveled by plane, I would first scrub the bottom of my hiking boots. If not, I had visions of being discovered by an airport sniffer dog. :)

jabblog said...

Excellent and informative post.

John (@bookdreamer) said...

Wow what an Eclectic, educative edition. Hi, I'm new in town. My E is in a 50 word story called The Prince of Darkness is a gentleman

Spadoman said...

Very interesting as usual. I couldn't find out anything about that Emperor, but I do know a thing or two about garlic as I am a full blood Italian, and garlic is a way of life. Lately, I have been using a granulated garlic I buy from a small bulk foods store. It is roasted garlic that is dried and granulated. I shake it on everything!
personally, I prefer the stronger flavored over elephant garlic.
Around here, any kind of wolf is endangered by the guns of farmers and hunters. Since they lifted the ban on hunting and shooting them a few years ago, they are being decimated. Yes, Turner sets a good example. People could consider making changes that would help the environment.
That brings me to the eco tourism idea. There is a place in Northern California, near Eureka, called the Old Growth Reserve Headwater Forest.
Only guided hikes by forest service personel are allowed. This area is off-limits to human beings! Now that's real wilderness. You know the trees are there, but no one is allowed to even view them. Really saving them forever from man's trespass.
Talk about lonmg and gabby, my comment! Sorry, but this stuff is so interesting.


Jay at The Depp Effect said...

Ted Turner sounds like a wonderful man - good for him! I think we need more like him.

The eyes were interesting, and reminded me of a graffiti face I found in Venice!

J - ABC Team


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