Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Zig Zagging with Zabaglione Whilst Being Zany

ABC Wednesday is a word meme with participants from around the world. This fabulous meme was created and hosted by Mrs. Denise Nesbitt who hails from Great Britain. We are now in our sixth round-some of the participants have been with this from the very first round; others have joined in along the way. Each week we are taken across the globe to see the varied and exciting contributions people have taken the time to discover and capture. We start with the letter, "A" and each week we post something in regards to the next letter of the alphabet. This week's letter is, "Z". Our last letter for this round! I hope we have another round which would be round 7!


Zany. That would be me. If anything, I hope this image made you bust out laughing. Just call me Zany!


You get a double treat of  "Z" with zig zag! When I got my sewing machine a few years back, I did a sampler so that I could remember the dial settings. You see I have "zig zag" at the top.


Hard to believe that I haven't made this myself (seeing as I like to cook). I think it's because I generally do not make desserts because I would devour it myself before the sun comes up the next morning! This is from a random stranger's blog courtesy of a Google search. It does include the recipe, so I may have to make it! The name of the blog is Belly Timber and I hope you visit it as it is pretty darned cool with great recipes (including a molasses version of zabaglione). They haven't posted since 2008, but it is a great site.


Zaftig. What a FUN word! I never knew...it means a 'deliciously round, plump woman'. And, I'm happy to say that I have my very own 'zaftig' image that shouldn't offend. She is from my glass negative stash.


mrsnesbitt said...

hahahaha! Loved the glasses! What an excellent idea for the sampler! I have a sewing machine which I hardly use but seeing what you have done has given me a great way to remember the various settings!

Thanks so much, hope to see you for Round 7!

ABC Team

LisaF said...

Let's hear it for zaftig women! If we eat too much zabaglione, we all will resemble the above description!

Sylvia K said...

What a fun post for the Z day, Paula! But of course, that's not unusual, all of your posts are fun and interesting! Love the glasses! What a hoot! Hope you have a great week!


Bettey said...

Good series of Z's! Have a good rest of the week!

Hood Photo Blog

Tumblewords: said...

Zany is the perfect Z. Love those glasses. Always a delightful post here - fascinating and fun. Thanks for that!

photowannabe said...

Zaftig, How did you get the picture of me???
I would be definitely rounder if I ate the Zabaglione too.
Fun post and you are absolutely Zany.

Mara said...

Finally a new word to describe myself. Zaftig it is...

Hildred said...

Zabaglione! A favourite of mine, - will certainly go to the website you recommend and find the molasses vasriation.

Leslie: said...

Wow! Looking VERY Zany, I should say! Always look forward to "seeing" you and hope to see you in Round 7...such fun! Have a zippedy doo-dah day! :D

Gayle said...

The title of your post is quite a tongue twister! Love the glasses.

Unknown said...

Holy Wow. Look at you and all of these Z's : ) So excellent : )
Love your sewing sampler. I have never heard of that dessert! I totally understand what you mean about devouring them. Sugar is a problem for me!

Roger Owen Green said...

you ARE zany!
and i love zaftig. the word, too.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Beverley Baird said...

What a great variety of Zs - especially your zany portrait! Love it !
Take care.

Amy said...

Paula, Zabaglione reminds me of my childhood - a very popular dessert in San Francisco Italian restaurants.
Your zany glasses are fab and the sampler is a great idea!

magiceye said...

interesting takes on the theme!!

Reader Wil said...

Thanks for the Zany photo! It's very funny indeed! Great Z's. The Zabaglione looks delicious!

Spadoman said...

Good job! I know some zaftigs, and that's a good thing!
I like seeing your zany side.
I came in half way through the alphabet on your blog. I'm ready for a new show to start.


MaR said...

Great glasses!! and wonderful choices for Z!


Unknown said...

I don't understand why I did not do anything with the word 'zigzag'. it was on my first list!
It seems that there are enough Z-words to go around after all.
Fun post! Zany glasses!

Best wishes,

Anna's Z-words

jay said...

LOL! Yes, I did enjoy this post! Two thumbs up from me!!

Love the sampler you made, it's a great idea and I should do the same with my overlocker really. It would help save time looking things up in the manual.

Zaftig! SO much nicer than 'overweight'! LOL!

Tash said...

Excellent Z collection! Wonderful how you dug up such unusual words and images.

Linda Frances said...

Loved all the photos. They so complemented the photos. Especially enjoyed zaftig.

Linda Frances said...

I meant to say that the photos added pizzazz to the words.

Joy said...

Those zany lasses could give quite a fright in the sleepy early morning, some sweet zabaglione would be perfect for the shock.

Linda Bob Grifins Korbetis Hall said...

superb humor,

Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

yes indeed the first photo did have me laughing!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

The zabaglione looks good, but I pass because I already have that rotund look which you have a nice Z word to describe. zaftig I believe was fashionable durinf Mona Lisa time.

Bradley Hsi said...

Learn some new words and love all of them. Have a nice weekend.


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