Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Yodeling Through Yowah to Yokohama

ABC Wednesday is a word meme with participants from around the world. This fabulous meme was created and hosted by Mrs. Denise Nesbitt who hails from Great Britain. We are now in our sixth round-some of the participants have been with this from the very first round; others have joined in along the way. Each week we are taken across the globe to see the varied and exciting contributions people have taken the time to discover and capture. We start with the letter, "A" and each week we post something in regards to the next letter of the alphabet. This week's letter is, "Y".

A Yowah Matrix Opal

(image from www.opaladdiction.com)

I have this really fascinating book that I've been reading (slowly). It's called, "Jewels: A Secret History" by Victoria Finlay (I also loved her book on "Color: A Natural History of the Palette"). It's the kind of book that allows one to skip around and not have to read things in order (although I'm sure it would better if I did). The current chapter I am on is about the history of opals. It is in this chapter that I learned about Yowah Nuts. I don't doubt that for those of you in Australia this is not something new. For people like me, it certainly is!


(image from www.ibeopals.com)

Yowah Nuts from Yowah, Australia. Oh, and if you are in the vicinity of Yowah anytime soon, be sure to stop by for their annual Yowah Opal Festival! It runs from July 16th-18th.


(image from www.pachd.com)

Yokohama Bay, Hawaii. Out by  Kaena Point. This is what it looks like in the summer. In the winter, with the storm surges, a bit different. I'm not sure why it's called a bay because in looking at the coastline and where this is, I can barely perceive an indentation in the shoreline that is characteristic of bays.

Oh, and of course, there is Yokohama City and Yokohama Bridge both of which are in Japan.

How about Yahoo? No, not the internet Yahoo search engine. Not that one. But the one that preceded it from Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver's Travels". They were savage creatures that resembled humans who were obsessed with pretty stones they found by digging in ;the mud. Swift's characterization of these creatures were a satirical statement on the ignorant elitism and materialism encountered in British society. The term, Yahoo became synonymous with 'cretin' and  'Neanderthal'.

Today, Yahoo bears no resemblance whatsoever to Swift's connotation!

Interesting, huh?

YAKITORI (Yummy...)


I think Anthony Bourdain does a pretty darned good job of summing up traditional Yakitori cuisine in this video (from his Travel Channel series, "No Reservations"). However, in Hawaii and in larger cities across the U.S., one can find a decent fast food version of Yakitori food. Yes, even drive through!


MaR said...

Loved your post for Y. Those opals are fantastic!! and the Yokohama bay is simply beautiful.
Great choices.
ABC Wed: Y

Leslie: said...

The opal is my birthstone so I absolutely LOVE them! I'd love to travel to Australia and buy one there - it'd be so special. I love Anthony Bourdin's show, too!

LisaF said...

A great, eclectic mix of Y words! The opal is probably the most beautiful one I've ever seen. And, ALL the beaches in Hawaii are stunningly gorgeous.

Kim, USA said...

The nuts almost looks like the Opal pretty beautiful colors! Happy Wednesday!

ABC Wednesdsay~Y

photowannabe said...

Its always a delight to read your post Paula. You have interesting information and great pictures. Perfect choices for the letter Y.

Amy said...

Those opals are awesome Paula! I'll have to look up Bourdin's show - thanks for all the information!

Sylvia K said...

Terrific post as always, Paula! Love the opals! And Yokohama Bay is gorgeous! Hope your week is going well! Enjoy!


Roger Owen Green said...

this is Definitely something I'd eat...

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Gayle said...

You came up with so many Y words I never would have thought of. The beach looks so inviting. Wish I was there now!

Reader Wil said...

I really love those opals. I first though they were mother-of -pearl, which is called paua in New Zealand, but this is found in opal mines. Even though I have often been in Australia, I have never seen opals.
The Japanese food looks delicious!
And what you wrote about the Yahoo people is very interesting. I must read that book of Jonathan Swift. I read "Gulliver's travels" and I liked it!

Cheryl said...

Great post. That Yowah opal is just gorgeous.

Rune Eide said...

an opal would have been nice, both as subject and otherwise.

Joy said...

Never heard of yowah nuts but they look fabulous as does Yokohama Bay. Nothing beats a stormy winter beach, well apart from a hot sunny one.

Spadoman said...

Once again you did a fine job with your choices for "Y".
I always though that "Yahoo" was what American cowboys said as they rode their horses during roundups, (or rodeos). "Yahoo, this is fun!"
Glad to know they are just Neanderthals :-)
The Yakitori looks interesting. I'd only like to try it where the host tried it. Somewhere where the chicken is killed in the same day it is cooked and served. Not sure about eating half cooked/half raw chicken. I'd also like it to be range fed organic!
Didn't we do this with the Japanese Hibachi grill way back in the 1970's?

Hawaii is beautiful. I must make that trip soon.

Good Stuff.



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