Tuesday, July 20, 2010

From the Top!!

We are back at the top of our ABC round!

ABC Wednesday is a word meme with participants from around the world. This fabulous meme was created and hosted by Mrs. Denise Nesbitt who hails from Great Britain. Over time, others have joined in to help host this wonderful and informative meme. We are now in our seventh round-some of the participants have been with this from the very first round; others have joined in along the way. Each week we are taken across the globe to see the varied and exciting contributions people have taken the time to discover and capture. We start with the letter, "A" and each week we post something in regards to the next letter of the alphabet. This week's letter is, "A".


An artful angel, at that! I took this in the building that houses the gift shop and gallery at the National Hispanic Cultural Center in Albuquerque. This room off to the side I believe, which housed some vending machines. I am remiss that I did not record the artist's name to give credit here. Pretty darned cool angel, I think!


 (Museum of Art, Denver, CO)

(architecture from 16th street looking east in Denver, CO)

The hallmark of any great city, a full fledged, coming of age city, is having distinctive architecture. It becomes the landmark for that city and determines the look of their skyline. It is one of the best ways that a city can identify and brand itself. Some classics examples are the Space Needle in Seattle's skyline. The Empire State Building and the former Twin Towers of New York City. The Bank of America building  and the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. You get the gist. Denver has taken some really BOLD steps in the past decade or so in adding to their line up of distinctive architecture. Their art museum must've been a pain in the you know what to build and most likely incredibly expensive. Their airport design created a lot of controversy, but it is as unique as Sydney's Opera House.

It's all about the aesthetics of art and architecture. Speaking as an artist!


The practice of free diving (without scuba equipment) is an ancient one in Japan. Ama divers have become associated in last century in regards to the practice of pearl diving. I've mentioned before a fascinating book that talks about the history of jewels by Victoria Finlay, called, "Jewels: The Secret History". The chapter on pearls was so interesting. It's a book 
that can be read at any pace in any order. I also have her book on the history of color which is her first book. That too, is good, but meanders too much. This one is much more focused and holds my attention.


Sylvia K said...

What a terrific collection of A words, Paula! Love the angel! As always your photos are marvelous! Hope your week is off to a great start! Enjoy!


lv2scpbk said...

Wonderful post and introduction.

On behalf of the ABC team, thanks for participating.

jabblog said...

Very interesting post! I've taken a note of the book title :-)
The angel is very different - quite punky!

Rune Eide said...

I have a feeling that your Angel is a bit anorectic... :-)

Architecture is a great A. My personal favourite is La Sagrada Familia in Barcelona.

photowannabe said...

Fascinating collection of A words as always.
That is the most original angel I have ever seen. Lots of interesting textures.

Roger Owen Green said...

I too especially love the angel, who seems to have ATTITUDE!

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

signed...bkm said...

Great post, love the Angel...she is wonderful...bkm

LisaF said...

The angel on my post looks a little different than yours! :-) The thought of someone being able to dive like that without any gear is awesome!

Mara said...

That angel looks really pretty. Was it for sale as well?

Leslie: said...

AND AGAIN we have an army of great words for the beginning of Round 7! Great job!

Gayle said...

A most unusual, hip angel! Don't know why, but she reminds me of Cyndi Lauper. Maybe because of the way Cyndi used to dress.

Gigi Ann said...

Great post with some nice "A" pictures. I especially like the part about the AMA Diver.

Beverley Baird said...

We shared the same idea about art!
Loved your angel - I collect them and didn't even think of it!lol
I saw a documentary about the ama divers - very inspiring!

Tumblewords: said...

Fascinating angel - she surely is artful! I've never heard of Ama diving. Great post - as always.

K(Banterings of a Basketcase) said...

Art is a wonderful choice for A- and that doll is gorgeous!

MaR said...

Amazing collection for A!! beautiful shots and interesting words about the
Ama divers.

A is for aerial
(The actual name of the hotel is like that:W, my post was updated in this regard. Used an * just to avoid google searches, lol!)

Unknown said...

Dear Paula,
Thank you for visitng! I don't understand the pun Roger left on my post. Maybe it's just as well I don't know.
I like your A-post!
Cute Angel!
Art and Archecture are great A-words!
I am especially glad that you mentioned Victoria Finley's book Jewels:A History, as I need to know a something about those free divers.
But I can't order it from Amazon, as the tax and postage to Sweden is a killer. There is a Swedish-based company 'Adlibris', that can get around these costs better than I can as a private individual.
I don't know the name of the apples that grow on that particular tree.
My other tree has a label on it with the name 'Cox's Pomone' on it; but that tree only had one apple on it!

Best wishes,
For the benefit of other readers:
A is for Anna!

Spadoman said...

As usual, good stuff! Informative and entertaining.
I like the angel. Very beautiful, kind of eclectic too!
The divers are extraordinary. I know of a place, Punta Allen, just South of Talum, Mexico. Small fishing village. The locals free dive for lobster. Not sure that they go as deep as the Ama divers.
I haven't been through Denver in a while. That art museum looks interesting. Of course why wouldn't they showcase fabulous archtechture in a place that houses, "art"? Great photos and info.


Joy said...

I wonder is it a junior archangel.
I love wandering round places and looking at the architecture.

Anonymous said...

What a fabulous angel! I like how she's a bit jaunty and not as untouchably beatific as other angels I've seen.

Vinay Leo R. said...

wonderful photography.. and a lovely set of words too.. :)

Spadoman said...

I keep coming back to look at that angel!


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