Saturday, July 17, 2010

Circus Act of the Fishy Kind!


I stumbled upon a Polaroid photo collage I did a few years back. It was in my 'to be scanned' pile of stuff that sits on my desk and collects a lot of dust. I finally scanned it and realized that it was a perfect entry for SSS.  The components of the collage are jewelry findings, those flat, glass marbles and scrapbook paper as the background (selected on purpose for the wavy pattern).

Every week, a group of us from around the world post our shadow shots over at Hey Harriet. Entertain your muse and be amused by stopping by to see what others have posted! You can view all of my 2009 Shadow Shot Sunday images on my Flickr account. Click here and then select the "Shadow Shot" set.


robin. said...

i am glad you found this photo...very unique and very fitting for today's meme!!

Sylvia K said...

What a great find! Don't you love it when that happens! Perfect shadow shot! Hope you have a wonderful weekend, Paula! Enjoy!


allhorsestuff said...

Sweet fishy shadows!!

Ralph said...

It has the feel of 3-D, a diorama of sorts. The glass looks like bubbles emanating from the pisces below. It is amazing, a smart, colorful scan. Nice!

BLOGitse said...

wow, that's cool!
It's good to save old stuff - you never know what you might find...

I have moved to WordPress!
I hope to see you there.
Next week I'll be back on track and post a 'normal' SSS post.

Sunny greetings from Casa!

Rosebud Collection said...

That is clever and beautiful..
Good job..
Happy SSS.

Anonymous said...

A very clever composition!!

EG CameraGirl said...

Hehehe! Amazing what turns up when you go through your stuff. :) Neat!

A Wild Thing said...

I love how we see shadows everywhere now, not even trying the blue stones, the color of the sea! Have a great weekend!

Hey Harriet said...

Now that's a cool shadowy find from the archives. Nice one! Hope you have a great week :)

North County Film Club said...

A beautiful shot. Don't you miss Polaroids? Although I guess digitals are a little easier and the film sure is cheaper.


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