Tuesday, October 13, 2009

That's a Mighty Mama Mia!

ABC Wednesday is a word meme with participants from around the world. Our Host, Mrs. Nesbitt hails from Great Britain. Says Mrs. Nesbitt: "Some have been with us from the very first round, others have joined in along the way! What fun! Each week we are taken across the globe to see the varied and exciting contributions people have taken the time to discover and capture! ABC Wednesday is now entering a 3rd year of fun! I'll raise a glass to you all!". We started with the letter, "A" and each week we post something in regards to the next letter of the alphabet. This week's letter is, "M".


An old mask at that. I wish I could tell you where this mask hails from and how old it is, but at the time, I was so enraptured at taking pictures in this shop, that it did not occur to me. The name of this shop is Maison Faurie Antiques in Taos, NM. If you are passing through the town, be sure to stop by as he is on the Plaza. The proprietor is quite a character. If you do take pictures, ask first. If you ask, he will be pleased that you did. If not, well, then you get to experience the flip side of personality (I didn't, but he told me about it!).


I suppose I don't post my macro shots enough as I do have a ton of them. This is a close up of a gazing ball in my garden.


Mesas abound here in the southwest. This lovely mesa is up in the Abiqui area, not too far from Ghost Ranch and not too far from the Chama River. And, yes, those colors are real. You can see why Georgia O'Keeffe fell in love with this countryside. The geology here is breathtaking.


Don't you just love that word? I do. But, I am a bit of a geek, so I would! This was from a drawing assignment in my first (and only so far) drawing class. It had to be done in graphite and it had to have hard light edges and you had to include the miniscus. The assignment was to draw an object in a glass of water. That way you had to capture the qualities of water, reflection, distortion, etc.

Are you ready for the brain twisters?

Mesophere. It's a middle layer in the earth's atmosphere. Not an everyday word, though, is it?

Next up, we have metier. A vocation, trade or ministry. I don't know about you, but I don't think I've ever heard that word in a sentence!

Have you ever received a mignonette as a house warming gift? Neither have I! Mignonette is also a sauce from French cookery. I think I'd rather have that than the plant.

Alright, just one more, if you insist!

Mimesis. It has to do with mimicry. The link I've provided here has a rather lengthy explanation of it (worth the read). You know, there is a branch of science called, bio mimicry. Scientists study how nature does things and they try to mimic it for practical applications. Such as, the mystery behind the strength of a spider web. For it's scale, it is stronger than any steel or titanium cable we could contrive. And yet, the 'how' behind it, I believe is yet to be unraveled.

And, there you have it people! The letter, "M". Brought to you by moi. Me. Myself. Molokai Girl!

I'll stop now...


photowannabe said...

Whew, now I have had my brain excercised totally. Good post Molokai Girl.
I have a friend living and she and her husband act as hosts at Ghost Ranch. She adores the area and can't say enough wonderful things about the scenery.

Sylvia K said...

Yes, thanks for the brain exercise, Paula! Just what I needed this morning!! Marvelous shots and fun reading!



Gerald (Ackworth born) said...

we always spelled it meniscus but guess it changed to an i across the pond.

Rune Eide said...

I must admit I fell for the picture of the mesa - maybe because we don't have that kind of mountains?

James said...

You really did a great job with all of those M's.

Reader Wil said...

Great to see all those M words. You also could have used Maori as these people originally came from Polynesia. They went to New Zealand around 900 AD. No wonder that you know about them! They are very interesting people who told us about their culture and music, which sounds like Hawaiian music.
Thanks for your visit

Mara said...

I've heard of metier before, but that is only because I speak French and it's a French word! So, I would be able to use it in a sentence as well..

I've always thought the miniscus was a muscle or a tendon in the leg area somewhere. Hmm

Carolyn Ford said...

Lot's of "M's"...and impressive selection too! Great shots and good reading for us! Thank you!

Amy said...

Oh, my brain is weary - you must come have a cup of minestrone with me! Or actually I'd rather travel to your part of the world. My husband and I almost moved to NM a few years ago. A family wedding, then birth of grandson kept us closer to the Northwest. We love your culture, geology, art, art and more art! Our favorite thing to do is to go onto the res and spend time, quality time in another world.

Your photography captures what I miss - thank you!

Ironically, I spent about 45 minutes pursuing the word "meme" at the beginning of your post. Maybe tomorrow I'll be more able to digest the rest of your interesting "m's."

Tumblewords: said...

Magical, Molokai! You've indeed done it again - what fun!

moongipsies@msn.com said...

I joined ABC Wednesday today.... let's see if I can come up with something :)

Rose said...

Thanks for adding to my vocabulary this morning! How about mnemonics? I've always thought that an interesting word, too. I've never been to New Mexico, but I remember the first time I saw a similar mesa in Arizona--just breathtaking! Thanks for sharing.

Q said...

Many marvels you explore...
Thank you.
It is a lovely part of the world you live in. The light is divine.

Joy said...

The mesa geology is fabulous, love those lines of colour. Your mimiscus graphic is worth a thousand words.

Roger Owen Green said...

Actually I have SEEN metier in a sentence, but I doubt I ever USED it.
But of course, it's the mask - I am awestruck.

Paula In Pinetop said...


the power of 10?

jay said...

I love your ABC Wednesday posts! Always interesting and amusing - and this week, some stunning photography too! LOVE the mesa photo. We're headed to Moab tomorrow, so hopefully we'll soon be seeing some for ourselves!

Meniscus - that's a good one, too!

EG CameraGirl said...

An interesting collection of Ms. OK, I'll try to remember to ask f I can take pictures. And the mesas in your part of the world are amazing! Nothing like that in my part of Ontario.

studioJudith said...

Mighty Marvelous Mask, Miss Paula!


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