Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Kayos, Kazoo, Kibosh and Kinkajous

ABC Wednesday is a word meme with participants from around the world. Our Host, Mrs. Nesbitt hails from Great Britain. Says Mrs. Nesbitt: "Some have been with us from the very first round, others have joined in along the way! What fun! Each week we are taken across the globe to see the varied and exciting contributions people have taken the time to discover and capture! ABC Wednesday is now entering a 3rd year of fun! I'll raise a glass to you all!". We started with the letter, "A" and each week we post something in regards to the next letter of the alphabet. This week's letter is, "K".

Kaleidescopes. What is it about kaleidoscopes? I find them to be mesmerizing and magical-two qualities that are hard for me to resist. This one is from a shop here in Albuquerque's Old Town called, La Casita de Kaleidescopes. I asked permission to take photos and let them know where they would be used and how. Shopkeeper, Pat Asay was very gracious about it. I will say that I was thrilled to find a kaleidoscope not too far from home. Between Albuquerque and Santa Fe, I didn't think one existed!

Katazome. Until September of 2007, I never heard of this process, let alone knew of it's existence! But, it was fascinating to learn about it and now I understand what an art it is to yield those beautiful shades of indigo on the textiles you see coming from Japan. Read more about the katazome workshop that I hosted here on my property two years ago here.

Kiln. In this case, a kiln for Raku firing. This is the kiln of the potter, Linda Vozar Sweet located in Jemez, NM.

Knot. As in, knots in wood (not ropes or your muscles!). I am perplexed as to how come this knot is lighter in color than the wood. Is it possible that whoever stained or painted this barn (which is where this knot is located) and skipped painting the knots just for this effect?

Ah, yes, and the 'new words' for the week! OK, I know EVERYONE knows what a kazoo is. But, it is a great "k" word, isn't it? And a lot of fun to play to the point of annoying your spouse with!!!

Kayo is slang for knockout (I didn't know that it was actually considered a word!). Kibosh is slang for nonsense or to put an end to. I don't think I've ever heard it used in a sentence. We'll all have to practice. Use it on your teenager to get that really puzzled look on their face!

And kinkajou? You might know it as a Sun Bear or a Honey Bear if you've seen it in a zoo. I wouldn't recommend it as a pet (mostly because most animals should be left in their natural habitat) because they are a nocturnal animal. It might not jive with your diurnal schedule!


Carol said...

You have the best Ks! I loved all of these. Your katazome workshop looks like so much fun. I too am puzzled about that knot in the wood...would love to see the whole barn painted like this!

Sylvia K said...

What great K words! I love all of them, too! Fun shots and I get to learn something new!

Have a great day!


Jane Hards Photography said...

Always so many different kinds of words and images. Always interesting.

Anonymous said...

Hello. I took out your groceries at Albertsons today. I said I would look up your site toaday, and I did. You might like my blogsite.

anthonynorth said...

Some great words there. I've had fun with a kazoo from time to time, too.

photowannabe said...

Fun post as usual. It really dates me because i know all those words..groan. Now there are 100 kazoos in Namuncha, Kenya. Wonder if the kids will drive their parents as nuts as mine did me???
Just had to say that my word verification is ...fartin.....
I thought that was funny.

Tumblewords: said...

Kaleidoscopes are endlessly enchanting. I'll read about your katazome workshop - it must be similar to batik or tie-dye. Well, I'll find out shortly! :) Raku is lovely. Thanks for a very fine K series!

Janie said...

All great K words! I'm a sucker for a kaleidoscope.

Leslie: said...

Great choice of K words for today. Really enjoyed the kaleidoscope, especially since I'd taught a student that word last week and she used it in an essay.

Reader Wil said...

You did a great job finding all those "K"'s!! Some of the K words make me tongue-tied, because they are tongue twisters!! LOL. Dutch is easier to pronounce, as we pronounce each letter of a word. Thanks for your informative post!

magiceye said...

thank you for the learning experience!

Rune Eide said...

That was a kaleidoscope of a post! The different staining of the knot may be due to a natural impregnating of the wood by the tree's own resin (remove the bark of the tree a year or two before cutting it down).

Roger Owen Green said...

I own a kazoo,and so does my daughter, a girl with kaleidoscope eyes.

Gerald (SK14) said...

Well I knew about kazoos and kalaidoscopes but I've neverheard of katazome before.

clairz said...

I am so pleased to have found your blog via ABC Wednesday. I hope to visit that kaleidoscope shop in ABQ someday soon. Nice photos!

Thanks from a fellow New Mexico blogger!

dianasfaria.com said...

a great creative K post. I forgot about knots in the wood, & I love kaleidoscopes!

Joy said...

A great collection of Ks, Yes we use the kibosh word here as in - thats put the kibosh on that or thats kiboshed it - when something puts a end to something, usually unexpectedly. Don't know the words orgin or where it is from. Aren't words interesting, I always learn new ones on your posts.

Powell River Books said...

Knots give wood a lot of character, but they make splitting it into firewood a pain! I invite you to come see my post about The King. -- Margy

Bradley Hsi said...

You have done another good assembly for ABC. We also have indigo dye industry here in Taiwan duing the 19th century, it is more like a tourist attraction now.


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