Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Juxtaposed Jabberwockys Juggling Their Joules

ABC Wednesday is a word meme with participants from around the world. Our Host, Mrs. Nesbitt hails from Great Britain. Says Mrs. Nesbitt: "Some have been with us from the very first round, others have joined in along the way! What fun! Each week we are taken across the globe to see the varied and exciting contributions people have taken the time to discover and capture! ABC Wednesday is now entering a 3rd year of fun! I'll raise a glass to you all!". We started with the letter, "A" and each week we post something in regards to the next letter of the alphabet. This week's letter is, "J".


This ol' beauty (aka jalopy) rests right off of the I-40 westbound not too far from the exit to the Petrified Forest in Arizona. It is there intentionally to commemorate the travel that took place on the historic Rt. 66.


A fantasy creature from the book, "Through the Looking Glass" written by Lewis Carroll. "Beware the jabberwock, my son!". Jabberwocky is more commonly (and I'm laughing to myself by using he reference of "commonly") as nonsensical writing in speech; especially for a comical effect.


"A wandering minstrel, poet, or entertainer in medieval England and France." (from the freedictionary.com). This is an image done by artist Marc Chagall.


No, I'm not the one who contrived this image of a Jackalope. I went out looking for one, but all I saw was a jackrabbit running across the road in front of me. He was traveling too fast for me to respond. Click here to see where I got this image from (interesting blog). I'm not sure if this is their own image or if they got it from some other source, but it is a great image! Right down to the antelope eyes. Too clever.

And, in hopes of delivering new words to your repertoire today, don't forget about jackscrew, juxtapose (another one of my favorite words), joule and jimson!


Rune Eide said...

A bit complicated, but highly entertaining post.

Sylvia K said...

Great post, Paula! Lots of interesting "J" words!

Have a great day!


Mara said...

In Dutch the word jongleur has evolved through time to only mean a juggler. It's funny to see how it started!

Carol said...

Great J post...I had forgot about the jabberwock....and the jackalope is a riot....nice shot of that old jalopy...

Hildred said...

Great J's - glad you went looking for the Jackalope, - a most interesting creature.....

magiceye said...

superb post!

Irene said...

Those are rare J words, so creative!

Reader Wil said...

Very interesting! Jackalope was a word I didn't know! Thanks!

Roger Owen Green said...

I was watching JEOPARDY! last week, and the word jabberwocky was the correct response. It's a word with an A, a B, and a C appearing in it, in that order. Yours is the second post in 21 that used the word joules; fascinating.

Clever post.

jay said...

We have a comedy club TV slot here called 'Live at Jongleurs' or I wouldn't know what that meant! Fascinating post, as always!

Q said...

Just too much fun!
I am a fan of the Jabberwocky!

Bradley Hsi said...

Great post, amazing images, perfect for J.

Tumblewords: said...

Great J's. Interesting and fun. The jalopy is my fave today, but it might change tomorrow. Fine post!


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