Saturday, August 29, 2009

The Four Aims of Life

"A hundred times a day I remind myself that my life depends on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give, in measure as I have received, and am still receiving."

Albert Einstein

Oh, but the trick is, to remember to remind yourself a hundred times a day of these things! As the saying goes, "easier said than done". It requires being mindful.

In Yoga Sutra, the four aims of life are dharma, artha, kama, and moksha. Although I've given you links to each of these aims, know too, that these links are broad overviews and is not the complete picture. It is not unlike the various interpretations that people have for the readings in the Holy Bible.

I like what Rolf Gates has to say about these truths or concepts in his book, "Meditations from the Mat" which I've referred to several times in my SSS posts. He discusses how this quote of Einstein's relates to all levels of the four aims of life. He puts it so eloquently, "It is not enough just to plant the garden and cultivate it with care; we must set aside time to enjoy it as well." And, in the final aim, moksha, we surrender to the work we've done, the fruits of our labor and our actions to the universe. "We let go of everything and hold onto nothing."

Oh, and how we must remember a hundred times a day to let go of everything and hold onto nothing. There is a tremendous amount of peace in being able to do so. But, we quickly forget as we get caught up in the whirlwind of our daily lives. And, my ego gets in the way of letting go. Even so, I vow over and over again not to let this be the reason to stop making a more conscious effort. And, perhaps, it will not be until I am staring death in the face that I will finally 'get it' and let go of everything once and for all.

Definitely a lifetime's worth of work!

Every week, a group of us from around the world post our shadow shots over at Hey Harriet. Entertain your muse and be amused by stopping by to see what others have posted!

You can also view all Shadow Shot postings I've done by scrolling all the way down and on the left side you will see an archive of labels for my posts. Look for Shadow Shot Sunday and click on that link for an "all you can view" buffet of shadow shots!


Rosebud Collection said...

Beautiful words and pictures..I might have said this to you before. A friend of my husbands was from India and he told him, "Possession is possession"..You know I never forgot those words. You own nothing, it owns you. Smart man..Anyway, Happy SSS.

Sylvia K said...

Have to agree, beautiful words and pictures! Lovely shadow!

Enjoy your weekend!

Magical Mystical Teacher said...

The complete picture—
dark shadows as well as light,
yet you need not fear.

My Shadow Shots

A Wild Thing said...

What a wonderful post...and today I felt the fruits of my letting go to the power of the were received...totally unexpected, but it awoke me to the fact that I had asked for and received...and all I had to do was ask with an open heart...COOL!

Hey Harriet said...

Great shadow shots and words. It's a constant struggle though isn't it? As you say, "easier said than done" :)

The Summer Kitchen Girls said...

Cool post Paula - lots of things to ponder...and remind oneself! Love Rosebud's "possession is possession" - lovely shadows & thoughts - have a wonderful weekend!

Crafty Green Poet said...

lovely post. The second photo particularly is stunning!

Leau said...

well you know how I love Uncle Al and the shots are great too! smooches

Ren said...

One of my Tao and Zen students once called the concept, "The Joy of Giving up," later amended to "The Joy of Letting Go," (to eliminate any negative connotations with the phrase "giving up.").

Linda said...

Beautiful photos ... beautiful thoughts ... beautiful post!

Chubby Chieque said...

That's an awesome word of thoughts, loving it and of course your nature photos.

Hope you had a wonderful SSS.

Am always late, girl... but better than never come, huh?

Unknown said...

I love shadow shots! Delicious, here ;)


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