Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Doldrums, Ditty, Dithers and Dracula

ABC Wednesday is a word meme with participants from around the world. Our Host, Mrs. Nesbitt hails from Great Britain. Says Mrs. Nesbitt: "Some have been with us from the very first round, others have joined in along the way! What fun! Each week we are taken across the globe to see the varied and exciting contributions people have taken the time to discover and capture! ABC Wednesday is now entering a 3rd year of fun! I'll raise a glass to you all!". We started with the letter, "A" and each week we post something in regards to the next letter of the alphabet. This week's letter is, "D".

OK, so I lied. You'll not be seeing any doldrums, kitty, dithers or Draculas here today. Except in words! I will say that when the earth shifts on it's axis during the 'winter' months in Hawaii, the islands land in an area that often has no wind. In the maritime world, that is called the doldrums. In Hawaii, we refer to it as "Kona" weather when there is no wind. Picture heat and humidity without trade winds and you have "Kona" weather.

But, I digress. This strange looking thing is a durian. A fruit. My husband will attest that the smell of the flesh of this fruit is like rotting flesh. The texture of the fruit (he says) is like snot. His words. I've never been brave enough to acquire one of these fruits for the sake of curiosity.

This is a boulder on the side of New Mexico Route 4. This segment of the road is past Jemez on the way to Valle Caldera. I had to make Linda stop and turn the car back around so that we could take pictures of this. Someone saw the shape of the boulder. Must've thought about it a lot. Schemed for who knows how long. Came back one day with quick set concrete and transformed the boulder into a dinosaur!

Dianthus. Pretty flowers. Easy to grow. You can buy the seeds and just broadcast them unless you're in a hurry (or have a short growing season).

Shhhhh! Be very quiet! Actually the deer here at Bandelier State Park paid no heed to us! They were hungry! Cue Julie Andrews leading us in a rousing chorus of "Do, a deer, a female deer" (from the Sound of Music).


Lin said...

Great D's, love the deer!

Mara said...

I think I'll pass on the fruit, it sounds quite disgusting!
I love the dinosaur, but who's to say it wasn't always like this :)

Jane Hards Photography said...

Really sweet deer. I'm not sure about the fruit either and I do try and avoid the doldrums. Excellent post all round.

Joanna said...

I've heard of Durian and would like to try it in spite of the smell, although the description of the texture is a bit off-putting. Interesting D post.

Q said...

You are so fun...
I am now singing.... ra a drop of golden sun....me a name I call myself...fa a long, long way from home....
Hppy ABC Wednesday!

photowannabe said...

Great D post and I have heard that that fruit is definitely an acquired taste.
Love the Dianthis (sp?)and it looks like something even I could grow.

Sylvia K said...

Great D post! I think I'll pass on the fruit, too! Love the deer!

studioJudith said...

Thanks for the Kona/doldrums education: what you've described
(high heat + humidity + no wind)
is true South Louisiana weather.
It carries a certain weight that makes
movement impossible.. . .
guess that's why we all
talk .. . so ... s l o w .

Joy said...

I've wondered what durians look like, curious.

Paula Scott Molokai Girl Studio said...

Someone else posted a durian on ABC Weds and gave a rather through explanation about this 'misunderstood' fruit!

Roger Owen Green said...

like the durian. LOVE the dino

Jama said...

You durian looks less thorny, I could almost swear it look more like another tropical fruit called Cempedak. This too has a pungent smell.

Bradley Hsi said...

Interesting post. We are in the same opinion as your husband for the durian fruit, I can hardly believe anybody like it.

Hey Harriet said...

Oh what a sweet deer! I encountered the icky Durian when I visited Malaysia many years ago. STINKY!!!

jay said...

Ha! A great D post!

Love the dinosaur boulder, but I won't be trying durian any time soon. No. Way. Texture like snot? That would be enough even without the rotting-flesh smell! LOL!

Rambling Woods said...

I have heard of that fruit on the food channel I think on Anthony Bordain's show..Nice selection of D's.

Tumblewords: said...

Good D's. Love the rock, love it!


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