Saturday, March 14, 2009

Ms. Deux goes to the Esther Bone Library

Ms. Deux with Albuquerque photographer, Pat Berrett

Oh, we've been busy, Ms. Deux and I. I get to see my life through the eyes of our flat doll visitor, Michele Deux. Yoga, ballet, cardio dance and salsa aerobics classes. All of the mundane activities such as straightening up the house, doing laundry, cleaning out my 'stuff' (that'll take centuries to complete). Going on photo shoots. Making dinner for the family. Working in the yard. Whew! Ms. Deux is a bit inexperienced to help me with my work, so she does have a lot of 'resting' time!

Last Saturday, we hosted an art reception for my good buddy, Pat Berrett at the Esther Bone Library. He does commercial photography and most of the artists in the area take their work to him to photograph. This exhibit is of a subject matter close to his heart: dancers in the New Mexico Landscape. It is an on-going project and this body of work spans a time period of ten years. The images are breath taking with these beautiful dancers out in remote areas of New Mexico. I wish you could see it!

1 comment:

Hey Harriet said...

I wish I could see it too! That lucky Ms. Deux. She leads a more exciting life than I ;)


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