It's in a room that must've been considered a 'den' as all the walls are dark wood paneling. Behind me are built in library shelves. Behind the wall of the computer is another little room (it's a room within the room kind of thing) where I do a lot of other artwork that doesn't involve painting or a printing press.
Leighanna's post was in response to someone else asking "why blog?" I have to agree with Leighanna; I certainly write more often. I use my camera even more than I used to as I have a place for chosen images to go to for public viewing (other than sitting in the dark in printed form waiting like so many others to get into a photo album that hardly anyone sees).
And then there's the instant gratification of being able to post it and look at it; you can be anywhere in the world and not have to worry about loosing your journal. And you don't have to cart around that little stash of art supplies that are needed for journaling (if you're the kind who likes to include visual elements in their journal). I also like that I can change the way it looks from time to time.
The other reason as to 'why blog?' is that knowing that it is out there for public viewing whether it be friends, family or total strangers is that there is a sense of accountability. I am much more mindful of posting things fairly regularly and this benefits ME the most, but the public viewing aspect is the proverbial kick in the butt to keep at it on a fairly consistent basis.
Enough blathering for now!
So, why do you blog and where do you blog from??
Yes, exactly! Instant gratification for sure!
I like your little space, not at all what I pictured though! I pictured it all white with big colorful flowers!
"It is the source of my husband feeling a tad neglected, but I'm not one to sit on the couch all evening in front of mindless television. "
Oooooh!! I can soooo relate to this!!!
I LOVE seeing people's office/art/writing space...gives me a window into their world.
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