An image done during my Intaglio II class. We had to do a plate that was 18" X 22"; the whole point to the assignment was to work an image size that is beyond what you're used to. Etching a plate of this size for the first time is intimidating...
But first, you start with a sketch. For some reason, this is the image that came out of my imagination. Poe poe is Hawaiian for (and I'm sure that things get lost in the translation here) round, shpere, globe, to gather together, circular, compact. Scientists (vulcanologists) use the term as a way of describing certain lava flows. Either way, the image reference does seem a bit primordal to me...
The image is etched, aquatint, softground and drypoint and chine colle was done in the printing process (yeah, I know, Greek to most everyone). Inking up a plate this size with several colors took about an hour and a half. I only printed one in color like this. Perhpas someday I'll go back and strike more prints.
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