Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Whirling Around With Whisks, Wood Worms and Wrenches!

ABC Wednesday is a word meme with participants from around the world. This fabulous meme was created and hosted by Mrs. Denise Nesbitt who hails from Great Britain. We are now in our sixth round-some of the participants have been with this from the very first round; others have joined in along the way. Each week we are taken across the globe to see the varied and exciting contributions people have taken the time to discover and capture. We start with the letter, "A" and each week we post something in regards to the next letter of the alphabet. This week's letter is, "W".

Such as, in "Wormwood"

No, not in the sense of "Artemisia absinthium" (absinthe), but more so in the LITERAL sense! Wood worms. Worms that attack the wood. Oh, I'm certain there is a more appropriate name for this kind of 'destruction', but this is what I call it! And, I wouldn't doubt that the insect that causes this trail under the bark of a tree isn't a worm at all. But, I'd like to think so....and that's MY reality!!


Most men I think, would be pleased to see this in their garage. I might too, if I had a use for all of them. But, I don't! And, before you get the wrong impression, this is NOT my husband's collection of wrenches! It belongs to someone else who is able to find his tools whenever he needs to!


Is this not cool???? Oh, I thought so! It was one of those coconut wind chimes that gave me great pleasure for many years listening to it outside of my dining room window when it was windy. For several years, I observed wasps going to and fro from this wind chime and thought nothing of it (how silly is that?). Last year, due to age and just one too many violent wind storms, it kind of broke apart. All the 'chimes' fell off, leaving us to discover the reason for the wasp activity! I can't say that I blame the wasps for building a nest in the coconut shell. It is a perfect place for that! Anyway, I took the photos I needed and gave it to my friend, Leighanna in hopes that someday she'll create some assemblage art from it! You never know...


I have quite the collection and yes, I do use them all!  I have smaller ones too not pictured in this photo. Part of my kitchen gadget addiction-a practical addition since I do use what  I have! Honestly, I do!


Sylvia K said...

Great Ws for the day and a fun post as always! Hope your week is going well, Paula! Enjoy!


MaR said...

Amazing collection for w!! lovely.


Reader Wil said...

Wonderful W's. The wasp nest is very beautifully made! We call the insect that eats wood also woodworm, the word wood is "hout", so we call it "hout worm".

Rune Eide said...

Now you can whisk away both wood worms and wasps. I think the wrenches would be to heavy :-)

Spadoman said...

I'd like to ask your "friend" what why he/she didn't clean off the 5/8" wrench before hanging it back up on the rack.
If you are at "W", that means just 3 more letters left, 3 weeks. Then what happens? "A" again? Just wonderin'.
I like the whisks. I know you have an affinity for cooking, so do I, so I know like Mr. Natural used to say, "Get the right tool for the job."
Can't use the heavy duty whisk to beat eggs to a delicate froth just like the light weight thin wired one won't do for a batch of thick Southern style sage laced sausage gravy.
We have wasps nests here. The structure of them is remarkable upon inspection after they have abandoned it and left it behind. That's a nice shot i the coconut husk.
Good stuff!


Roger Owen Green said...

I always associate "wormwood" with the Bible Gospels.
Great grouping, as usual.

ROG, ABC Wednesday team

Leslie: said...

I had to destroy a wasp nest once and I was SO scared of being stung! But their nest is so intricate that it's fascinating to examine it. Glad you didn't get stung. That "wormed wood" is interesting - I thought it was carved that way before I read your post. :D

photowannabe said...

Really pretty work done by the "wood worms".
Not fond of wasps. I have noticed a few buzzing around our eves. Time to get out the wasp spray.

Kim, USA said...

Yay, those wormwood seems like busy to create a small path^_^. Happy Wednesday!

ABC Wednesday~W

Tumblewords: said...

Wormwood is fascinating - wonderfully abstract. The wasps are busy this year - I'm afraid they'll build a house right on me if I don't keep moving. Nifty W's!

EG CameraGirl said...

I'm impressed by your wonderful Ws! Very creative thinking!

lv2scpbk said...

Great W words and photos.

On behalf of the ABC Wed. team, thanks for participating.

Jay said...

Ah, you're like me with jugs! I can never resist a nice jug, preferably glass - I can't tell you how many I have. At least eight in the kitchen alone!

Great collection of W words! I immediately thought of Absinthe when you mentioned wormwood. LOL!

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

we can buy honey combs like this, but it is too sweet for me.

Kate said...

Fascinating story about the wasps. Apparently the wind chimes gave them great pleasure also.

SparkleFarkel said...

I remember the first time I received a message from the Fairies. I was just a smitch, secretly exploring a niche my 'Knuckle' Matt had carved out for himself in the big garage. He liked old clocks-- the taking apart of them, mostly. When I opened one that had its own door, I saw a scribbled language carved inside that I knew wasn't in human words. (I could recite the alphabet, but I couldn't yet read. What I was seeing definitely wasn't a composition made from the ABCs that belonged to me.) Instantly, I knew it was a message left for me, yes, ME, from a friend I could only dream of meeting from Fairyland! At the time, I knew exactly what the notations read, but now, I only carry with me the cozy-safe feeling that came over me when I first discovered the message. Later on, during a lesson in grade schol science, I refused to believe a woodworm was really the scribe. Unless, of course, Woodworm was actually the name of the fairy who had written to me inside the clock! Yeah, that's it!

Thank you for your lovely "W"! It made for me a nice trip down Memory Lane!

Unknown said...

I like your collection of practical, down-to-earth Ws!
Wonderful W-post!
Best wishes,

Anna's W-Words

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Great W post! I am coming over from Mrs. Nesbitt's... So happy to meet you here! My hubby's family are all from Hawaii...the Big Island... he is 4th generation born in Hawaii of Portuguese descent.

Blessings & Aloha!
(hope you can stop by...please leave a comment if you get a chance.)


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