Friday, November 09, 2007

Art Gallery 66 5x5's

Tomorrow is the "drop dead" deadline to get these in to the Art Gallery 66 (located on old Rt. 66 in Bernalillo). They had put out a call to artists to submit these 5 x 5 canvases which will be for sale and on exhibit now through December. These are ready to go, so they will be dropped off today.
Fighting self doubt and insecurity (what if the owner hates these and sends me away with them?). Argh...get over it, girl!
I was talking to my sister-in-law, Linda who lives in San Diego about this Art Center (check out the link) for the developmentally disabled located in El Cajon, CA. The art that these people who are 'disabled' is absolutely amazing! She was telling me how when they have their charity events that people from La Jolla (a very wealthy neighborhood) can't get enough of this artwork. It got me to thinking about how we are perhaps more so disabled since we are plagued with insecurity and self doubt. The inner critic is always chattering (seems to be most 'vocal' when I've created something for a specific call for art); creating barriers to the creative process. The lesson I have to keep on renewing for myself each day is to silence that critic within me. I need to just let go and trust my intuition.


Leau said...

Absolutely beautiful images and absolutely correct insights! How could anyone not love these amazing works of art. And how could anyone not love the artist that fashioned them from the art she sees and brings to us. Good job, as Will would say! (heart) leau

Bridgette Guerzon Mills said...

These are beautiful! I know what you mean about how the inner critic pops out at the most inconvenient times.

I'll have to find your email so I can tell you about an Inner Critic exercise I friend who is also a life coach made me create a physical manifestation of my Inner Critic and name her, even! Then she said that I had to make friends with her. In essence, we create our Inner Critics as a form of self preservation.



Regina said...

I love everything about these angels - their theme, size, colors, all. They portray such a sense of peace. Just wonderful!


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